Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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251Legislative CommitteesReport of the Judiciary Committee on the Apportionment of the House and Senate1861
252Legislative Committees, Cost SavingsReport on the Joint Select Committee "to consider the Acts and Resolves rendering the State liable to pay money, etc.," Senate Paper 211862
253Legislative Committees, Reform SchoolReport of the Committee on Reform School, Senate Paper 121862
254Legislative Committees, Reform SchoolReport of the Committee on State Reform School, Senate Paper 181862
255Legislative CommunicationsOrder regarding transmission of messages and papers between the House and Senate1828
256Legislative DepositoriesOrder to procure for the files of the Senate and House of Representatives1834
257Legislative Joint ConventionsProceedings of Joint Conventions of the House and Senate1854
258Legislative Joint Standing CommitteesJoint Standing Committees of the House and Senate1854
259Legislative MeetingA message from the House to the Senate relative to meet with such Senators as have been elected1830
260Legislative MessagesBetween House and Senate1820
261Legislative MessagesBetween House and Senate1821
262Legislative MessagesOrder regarding House and Senate1822
263Legislative MessagesOrder regarding transmission of, and papers between House and Senate1829
264Legislative MessagesOrder directing the Secretary of the Senate to transmit to the House all1831
265Legislative MessagesCommunication from the Senate President1849
266Legislative Messenger and AssistantReport of the Committee on votes for Messenger and Assistant Messenger of the Senate1850
267Legislative MessengersOrder for Senate Messengers, to employ an additional assistant1832
268Legislative MessengersReport on the Order relative to compensation for the Senate1833
269Legislative MessengersReport of the Committee to receive and count votes for Messenger of the Senate1845
270Legislative OrdersOrder for the Senate to notify the Hon. Isaac Hacker of his election as Senator for District 161863
271Legislative OrdersOrder for 5 copies of the Digest of Resolves for use of the Senate1863
272Legislative OrdersOrder that the Secretary of State to distribute the Laws of the United States to the Senate1863
273Legislative OrdersOrder that the Rules and Orders of the Senate of 1862 be adopted1863
274Legislative OrdersOrder for the Senate Adjournment1863
275Legislative OrdersOrder that the Rules and Orders of 1862 are to be used and distributed to the House and Senate1863

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