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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 51 to 75 of 96

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51SettlersSee Public Lands 1829 RS 26-23
52SettlersAn Act in favor of the, in Townships #10 and #111830
53SettlersReport of the Committee on State Lands on Acts relating to timber sold by the State and an Act additional to promote the sale and settlement of the public lands1841
54SettlersReport on the Petition of Daniel Harmon and others that no further time shall be allowed to the Proprietors of the Town of Amity to comply with their obligations to the State1841
55SettlersReport on a Resolve in favor of Charles Ramsdell and others1841
56SettlersReport on the Petition of Thomas Myrick, Jr., and others that the State may obtain the title of T05R05 WELS and that the same may be conveyed to settlers1841
57SettlersReport on the Order of Dennis Fairbanks and others relative to settlement on the public lands in Aroostook County1841
58SettlersResolve in relation to the public lands1843
59SettlersResolve in favor of Charles Gordon and Ezra Dean1843
60SettlersReport on the Petition of Justus Hathaway and others that further time may be allowed settlers to pay for land purchased of the State1843
61SettlersResolve to promote the sale and settlement of the Public Lands1844
62SettlersReport on the Petition of Stephen B. Parker and others that they may have the same privileges and exemptions which settlers now have when purchasing lands from the State1844
63SettlersReport on the Petition of Benjamin Stanwood and others, Settlers of Township 2, Indian Purchase, that aid may be granted them from the State to make the State's proportion of a road in said Township1845
64SettlersResolve explanatory of and additional to a Resolve entitled ""Resolve to quiet certain settlers and obtain title to certain lands sold and claimed by the State"
65SettlersResolve to quiet certain settlers and to obtain a title to certain lands sold and claimed by the State1846
66SettlersResolve authorizing the Land Agent to release the claim of the State to certain lands conveyed to settlers by conditional deed1846
67SettlersResolve in favor of Samuel Sterling1847
68SettlersReport on an Act to amend the 122nd Chapter of the Revised Statutes1848
69SettlersResolve in favor of certain settlers upon the Public Lands1849
70SettlersReport on the Petition of John Thompson and others for relief under the provisions of the Treaty of Washington1849
71SettlersResolve in favor of certain settlers in Orient in the County of Aroostook1852
72SettlersReport on the Order relative to granting a portion of the public domain to individuals in such a manner as to insure a more speedy settlement thereof1854
73SettlersResolve in aid of certain settlers on the Saint John River1855
74SettlersResolve in relation to settlers on certain lands1861
75SettlersResolve authorizing the Land Agent to examine into the situation of the land occupied by settlers on Township 18 Range 031864

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