Search Results
Results 226 to 250 of 394
Subject | Description | Year | |
226 | Societies, Lodges and Associations | An Act to incorporate the West Camden Social Library | 1843 |
227 | Societies, Lodges and Associations | Report on the remonstrance of the Washingtonian Temperance Society of Franklin County | 1843 |
228 | Societies, Lodges and Associations | An Act to incorporate the Levant Mechanic Association | 1843 |
229 | Societies, Lodges and Associations | Resolves in relation to the taxation of certain lands | 1843 |
230 | Societies, Lodges and Associations | Report on the Petition of Charles A. Stevens and others that they may be incorporated into a Company by the name of the Castine Laborers Association | 1843 |
231 | Societies, Lodges and Associations | An Act to authorize the Committee of the First Universalist Society in Camden being the second Parish in said Camden, to dispose of their ministerial lot | 1843 |
232 | Societies, Lodges and Associations | Resolves in favor of the American Athenaeum | 1843 |
233 | Societies, Lodges and Associations | Report on the Petition of John Howe and others that they may be incorporated into a body politic by the name of the Prospect Mechanic Association | 1843 |
234 | Societies, Lodges and Associations | An Act to incorporate the Thomaston Mechanics Association | 1843 |
235 | Societies, Lodges and Associations | Report on the Petition of Simeon Butters and others that the Resolve granting a certain sum of money to Agricultural Societies in this State may be repealed | 1843 |
236 | Societies, Lodges and Associations | An Act to incorporate the Hancock Agricultural Society | 1843 |
237 | Societies, Lodges and Associations | An Act to incorporate the Half Moon Pond Association for breeding salmon and remonstrance of Walter Mathews and others | 1844 |
238 | Societies, Lodges and Associations | Report on the Petition of Perley Tuck and others that the law may be repealed granting money to Agricultural Societies | 1844 |
239 | Societies, Lodges and Associations | An Act to incorporate the Bangor Mercantile Association | 1844 |
240 | Societies, Lodges and Associations | An Act to repeal an Act entitled an Act to define the limits of the Kennebec Agricultural Societies | 1844 |
241 | Societies, Lodges and Associations | Report on the Petition of the Parsonfield Free Will Baptist Society for alteration in certain laws | 1844 |
242 | Societies, Lodges and Associations | Report on the Petition of Lemuel Preble and others that they may be incorporated by the name of the Woolwich Philomatheon Society | 1844 |
243 | Societies, Lodges and Associations | Report on an Act granting lands to Agricultural Societies | 1845 |
244 | Societies, Lodges and Associations | An Act in addition to the 19th Chapter of the Revised Statutes | 1845 |
245 | Societies, Lodges and Associations | Returns of Agricultural Societies | 1845 |
246 | Societies, Lodges and Associations | An Act to incorporate the Androscoggin Agricultural Society | 1845 |
247 | Societies, Lodges and Associations | An Act additional to the 82nd Chapter of the Revised Statutes | 1845 |
248 | Societies, Lodges and Associations | Report on the Petition that the Bounty on Agricultural Societies may be repealed | 1845 |
249 | Societies, Lodges and Associations | An Act to incorporate the Literary Union of Lewiston Falls Academy | 1845 |
250 | Societies, Lodges and Associations | An Act to incorporate the Harper Library Association | 1845 |
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