Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Resolve additional in favor of certain officers and soldiers of the Revolutionary War and the widows of the deceased officers and soldiers1836
2Resolve in favor of certain officers and soldiers of the Revolutionary War and the widows of the deceased officers and soldiers1836
3Resolve additional to a Resolve in favor of certain officers and soldiers of the Revolutionary War and the widows of the deceased officers and soldiers approved March 17, 18351836
4Report on the Order relative to a report on the probable number of officers, soldiers and widows of officers and soldiers entitled to receive land grants as1836
5Resolve additional to a Resolve, passed March 17, 1835 entitled, Resolve in favor of certain Officers and Soldiers of the Revolutionary War and the widows of the deceased officers and soldiers1836
6Resolve additional to a Resolve in favor of certain Officers and Soldiers of the Revolutionary War and the widows of deceased officers and soldiers1838
7Resolve making appropriation of land for officers and soldiers of the Revolution and their widows1839
8Report on the Petition that compensation may be allowed for the duty of warning soldiers to train1839
9Report on the Petition that the Militia Law may be altered so that soldiers may receive a fair compensation for their services1839
10Resolve in favor of the non-commissioned Officers and Soldiers of the, of Maine1839
11Report on the Petition that all officers and soldiers that faithfully perform military duty may be exempted from all poll taxes except for highways1839
12Report on the Petition that citizen soldiers should be paid compensation for performing military duty and be furnished arms and equipment at the expense of the State1840
13Resolve making appropriation of land for Officers and Soldiers of the Revolution and their widows1840
14Report on the Petition that the citizen soldiers be paid a just and equitable compensation for all services required by law to be performed and be furnished with arms and equipment at the expense of the State1840
1501st Maine Heavy ArtilleryResolve authorizing the Land Agent to convey certain lots of land to the widows of deceased soldiers1865
1602nd Maine CavalryResolve authorizing the Land Agent to convey certain lots of land to the widows of deceased soldiers1865
1704th Maine InfantryResolve authorizing the Land Agent to convey certain lots of land to the widows of deceased soldiers1865
1807th Maine InfantryResolve authorizing the Land Agent to convey certain lots of land to the widows of deceased soldiers1864
1907th Maine InfantryResolve authorizing the Land Agent to convey certain lots of land to the widows of deceased soldiers1865
2009th Maine InfantryResolve authorizing the Land Agent to convey certain lots of land to the widows of deceased soldiers1864
2114th Maine InfantryResolve authorizing the Land Agent to convey certain lots of land to the widows of deceased soldiers1864
2214th Maine Infantry Petition SignersReport on the petition of T.C. Hersey and others for a bounty to be granted to the soldiers of the last regiments raised1862
2331st Maine InfantryResolve authorizing the Land Agent to convey certain lots of land to the widows of deceased soldiers1865
249 Months RegimentsA bill for reimbursement for blankets furnished the nine months soldiers1864
25AbbotResolve in favor of certain soldiers of the Town of Abbot1841

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