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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Report on the Petition to repeal the existing laws as allows retailers, innholders and victuallers to sell spiritous liquors1836
2SelectmenReport on the Order in relation to requiring Selectmen to sell spiritous liquors for medicinal purposes1842
3Spiritous LiquorsSee Wells, Moses and others 1824 GY 25-34
4Spiritous LiquorsSee Jacobs, Samuel and others 1827 GY 50-33
5Spiritous LiquorsPetitions of Women against sale of ardent spirits1835
6Spiritous LiquorsSee Poor 1835 GY 89-18
7Spiritous LiquorsReport on the Order in relation to requiring Selectmen to sell spiritous liquors for medicinal purposes1842
8Spiritous LiquorsReport on the Petition of Samuel Adams and others to a repeal of the License Law1842
9Spiritous LiquorsPetitions for repeal of the license laws1843
10Spiritous LiquorsRemonstrances against repeal of the license law1843
11Spiritous LiquorsReport on the Petition of Henry Brown and others for alteration of the License Laws1844
12Spiritous LiquorsReport on the Petition of the Waldo County Washingtonian Total Abstinence Society for a law for the suppression of drinking houses and tippling shops1846
13Spiritous LiquorsAn Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks1846
14Spiritous LiquorsReport on the Petition of J. B. Currier and others that the Legislature not repeal the present license law but add imprisonment of from ten to thirty days to the fines now imposed by law1847
15Spiritous LiquorsReport on the Order of the Committee on the License Law of the number of Petitions and Remonstrances1847
16Spiritous LiquorsAn Act in relation to common sellers of intoxicating liquors1850
17Spiritous LiquorsAn Act for the suppression of drinking houses and tippling shops1851
18Spiritous LiquorsAn Act in addition to Chapter 211 of the Statutes of 1851 and remonstrances of Susan E. Rice and others1853
19Spiritous LiquorsAn Act for the suppression of drinking houses and tippling shops1855
20Spiritous LiquorsAn Act to regulate the agencies for and to prevent the impostition on the sale of intoxicating liquors1862
21Spiritous LiquorsAn Act additional to "An Act entitled 'An Act for the supression of drinking houses and tippling shops'", approved March 25, 18581864
22Spiritous LiquorsAn Act in addition to An Act approved entitled "An Act to regulate agencies for & to prevent imposition in the sale of intoxicating liquors1865
23Spiritous Liquors, Vendors ofReport on the Order relative to an Act respecting wholesale1832
24Wells, Moses and othersReport on the petition of, regarding an Act to prevent persons from selling spiritous liquors at religious meetings1824

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