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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Report on the Petition that their land in Hampden may be annexed to Bangor and remonstrance of Simeon Stetson and others1836
2Report on the Petition of Amasa Stetson for an Act for the protection and preservation of highways1855
3George, NoahPetition of, for Township 3, Range 3 NWP to be incorporated into a Town called Stetson1822
4George, Noah K. and othersReport on the Petition of Noah K. George and others that they may be set off from the Town of Newport and annexed to Stetson and remonstrance of Hiram Rose and others1847
5NewportReport on the Petition of Noah K. George and others that they may be set off from the Town of Newport and annexed to Stetson and remonstrance of Hiram Rose and others1847
6Rose, Hiram and othersReport on the Petition of Noah K. George and others that they may be set off from the Town of Newport and annexed to Stetson and remonstrance of Hiram Rose and others1847
7StetsonSee George, Noah 1825 GY 36-15
8StetsonAn Act to incorporate the Town of1831
9StetsonReport on the Petition of Isaac Waterhouse and others for a new county1845
10StetsonReport on the Petition of Noah K. George and others that they may be set off from the Town of Newport and annexed to Stetson and remonstrance of Hiram Rose and others1847
11Stetson (proposed new town)See George, Noah 1822 GY 11-12
12Stetson Petition SignersAn Act establishing Town Courts and remonstrance of Josiah Myrick and others1844
13Stetson Petition SignersAn Act to incorporate the West Penobscot Agricultural Society1855
14Stetson, CharlesReport of the Committee to receive votes for Executive Councilors1845
15Stetson, CharlesAn Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the Old Town and Lincoln Railroad Company, passed March 8, 1852 (SS)1853
16Stetson, CharlesCommunication of letters of acceptance and refusal of various officers1863
17Stetson, E. G. and othersReport on the Resolve in favor of Jonas Drury and others1855
18Stetson, E. W. and othersAn Act to incorporate the Lincoln County Antiquarian Society1862
19Stetson, GeorgeAn Act in addition to an Act entitled "An Act to incorporate the Union Fire Insurance Company"1863
20Stetson, IsaiahReport on the petition of the Mayor of Bangor regarding an additional term of the Supreme Judicial Court for criminal trials in Penobscot County1861
21Stetson, IsaiahReport on a bill to have each agricultural and horticultural society in the state be represented on the State Board of Agriculture1861
22Stetson, IsaiahReport on the petition of the Bangor City Council that they may be authorized to change the limits of the several wards1863
23Stetson, IsaiahAn Act relating to redemption of railroad mortgages by subsequent mortgages and for better protection of bond holders1864
24Stetson, Isaiah and othersAn Act to incorporate the Union Fire Insurance Company1862
25Stetson, John B. from John VoilAn Act to change the names of certain persons1855

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