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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Report on the Order relative to making private property of Stockholders of, liable for the debts of the Corporation1836
2Report on several Orders relative to Bank Tax, Stockholders, Capital Stock and Bank Notes1836
3Report on the Petition of the President and Stockholders of Thomaston Bank for an increase in Capital Stock1836
4Report on the Petition of the Directors and Stockholders for an increase in Capital Stock of the: Union Bank, Frontier Bank, Merchants Bank, Washington County Bank, Bank of Cumberland, City Bank, Freemens Bank, and Citizens Bank1837
5Report on a Resolve requiring Cashiers of, to make returns of the names of Stockholders1837
6Report on the Petition of the Stockholders that their Charter may be extended, and remonstrance of James Lord and others1839
7Resolve requiring the, to publish a list of the Stockholders of the Banks in Maine1839
8Report on the Petition of Davis Johnson that he may be authorized to call a meeting of the stockholders of the New York City and Portland Exchange Granite Company1855
9Academies, Schools and CollegesReport on the Petition of the Stockholders of Monson Academy that the State would grant them one half township of land (No Petition)1847
10Academies, Schools and CollegesAn Act to incorporate the Stockholders of Monson Academy1847
11Academies, Schools and CollegesAn Act to incorporate the Stockholders of Unity Academy1852
12Acts and Resolves 1861, Chapter 021Report on an Order to amend or repeal Chapter 21 of the Public Laws of 1861 relative to stockholders of railroad corporations1862
13BanksReport on the petition of the Directors that the stockholders be authorized to reduce the capital stock of the Long Reach Bank in Bath1862
14BathReport on the petition of the Directors that the stockholders be authorized to reduce the capital stock of the Long Reach Bank in Bath1862
15Capital StockReport on the petition of the Directors that the stockholders be authorized to reduce the capital stock of the Long Reach Bank in Bath1862
16Chapter 021, 1861 Public LawsReport on an Order to amend or repeal Chapter 21 of the Public Laws of 1861 relative to stockholders of railroad corporations1862
17Chapter 048, Revised StatutesAn Act to amend Chapter 48 of the Revised Statutes relating to returns of stockholders of manufacturing corporations1863
18CorporationsReport on a bill to secure reights of stockholders in Railroad Corporations and also rights of creditors or Railroad Companies1863
19CorporationsAn Act to amend Chapter 48 of the Revised Statutes relating to returns of stockholders of manufacturing corporations1863
20CreditorsReport on a bill to secure reights of stockholders in Railroad Corporations and also rights of creditors or Railroad Companies1863
21Dividends, Taxes onA bill taxing non-resident stockholders one-tenth part of all dividends1864
22Grant, William B. and othersAn Act to enable stockholders in the Kennebec Railroad Company to call a meeting for the choice of Officers1864
23Kennebec Railroad CompanyAn Act to enable stockholders in the Kennebec Railroad Company to call a meeting for the choice of Officers1864
24Land GrantReport on the Petition of the Stockholders of Monson Academy that the State would grant them one half township of land (No Petition)1847
25Long Reach BankReport on the petition of the Directors that the stockholders be authorized to reduce the capital stock of the Long Reach Bank in Bath1862

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