Search Results
Results 1 to 25 of 428
Subject | Description | Year | |
1 | An Act authorizing, in the Court of Common Pleas to practice law in the Supreme Judicial Court in certain cases | 1837 | |
2 | An additional Act authorizing, in the Court of Common Pleas to practice law in the Supreme Judicial Court in certain places | 1838 | |
3 | Order requesting the opinion of the Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court relative to the | 1838 | |
4 | An Act giving to one Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court jurisdiction in cases of | 1838 | |
5 | Report on the Order referring to so much of the Governor's Message as related to an additional Judge of the Supreme Judicial Court to the Judiciary | 1840 | |
6 | Report on an Act relating to the transfer of actions in the Supreme Judicial Court | 1855 | |
7 | Supreme Judicial Court Opinion relative to election of County Commissioners for Sagadahoc County (Original papers missing) | 1855 | |
8 | Abbot, John S. and others | Report on the Petition of John S. Abbot and others that the time of holding the Supreme Judicial Court in Somerset County may be changed from September to November | 1846 |
9 | Acton Petition Signers | Petitions and remonstrances in relation to the passed law in relation to a January Term of the Supreme Judicial Court in York County | 1862 |
10 | Alden, Hiram O. and others | An Act to dispense with the criminal business of the January Term of the Supreme Judicial Court in Waldo County | 1855 |
11 | Alfred | Report of the York County Commissioners relative to a fire proof building at Alfred for the records and files of the Supreme Judicial Court and Registry of Deeds and Probate | 1851 |
12 | Alfred Petition Signers | Petitions and remonstrances in relation to the passed law in relation to a January Term of the Supreme Judicial Court in York County | 1862 |
13 | Allen, F. and others | Report on the Petition of F. Allen and others for a longer term of the Supreme Judicial Court for law arguments | 1846 |
14 | Appeals | Report on the order to provide by law for, from the decisions of the Court of Sessions to the Supreme Judicial Court | 1827 |
15 | Appleton, John | Supreme Judicial Court Opinion of the Honorable John Appleton relative to filling vacancies in the Senate | 1854 |
16 | Apportionment | Order to prepare questions to be propounded to the Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court relative to, of Senators and Representatives | 1831 |
17 | Apportionment | Report on the Order proposing certain questions to the Supreme Judicial Court relative to the Apportionment | 1841 |
18 | Aroostook County Bar | Report on a bill to increase the salaries of the Supreme Judicial Court Judges | 1861 |
19 | Aroostook County Supreme Judicial Court | An Act changing the time of holding the March Term of the Supreme Judicial Court in Aroostook County | 1864 |
20 | Attorneys | Resolve authorizing, in the Court of Common Pleas to practice Law in the Supreme Judicial Court in certain cases | 1835 |
21 | Attorneys Admitted to Practice | Resolve authorizing the Court of Common Pleas and Supreme Judicial Court to admit certain persons to practice in said Courts respectively | 1823 |
22 | Bangor Mayor | Report on the petition of the Mayor of Bangor regarding an additional term of the Supreme Judicial Court for criminal trials in Penobscot County | 1861 |
23 | Bartlett, William and others | An Act to change the place of holding the Supreme Judicial Court in Somerset County and to change the Shiretown | 1865 |
24 | Berwick Petition Signers | Petitions and remonstrances in relation to the passed law in relation to a January Term of the Supreme Judicial Court in York County | 1862 |
25 | Billings, Ezra and others | Petitions and remonstrances in relation to the passed law in relation to a January Term of the Supreme Judicial Court in York County | 1862 |
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