Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Taxes, CountySee County Taxes 1829 RS 25-17
2Taxes, CountyResolve laying a tax on the several counties in the State1845
3Taxes, CountyResolve laying a tax on the several counties of this State1848
4Taxes, CountyResolve laying a tax on the several Counties of the State for the year of our Lord, 18501850
5Taxes, CountyResolve laying a tax on the several Counties of the State herein named for the year of our Lord, 18511850
6Taxes, CountyResolve authorizing a tax on the several Counties of this State1852
7Taxes, CountyResolve laying a tax on the several counties in this State1853
8Taxes, CountyResolve laying a tax on the County of Androscoggin1854
9Taxes, CountyResolve authorizing a tax on the several Counties of this State1854
10Taxes, CountyResolve authorizing the assessment of County Taxes on the several Counties1855

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