Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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26Transportation: FerriesSee Old Town and Milford Ferry Company 1835 PS 115-84
27Transportation: FerriesSee Bucksport and Prospect Ferry Company 1835 PS 111-20
28Transportation: FerriesSee Ferries 1835 GY 89-42
29Transportation: FerriesReport on the Petition of the Directors for an extension of time for their Charter of the Sagadahoc Ferry Company1838
30Transportation: FerriesAn Act to incorporate the Augusta Free Ferry1841
31Transportation: FerriesAn Act additional to an Act to incorporate the Kennebec Ferry Company1841
32Transportation: FerriesAn Act in relation to Ferries1842
33Transportation: FerriesReport on the Order relative to Militia use of Ferries1842
34Transportation: FerriesReport on the Petition of John Thwing and others that they and their associates may be incorporated with the powers to establish a ferry from Bath to Woolwich1842
35Transportation: FerriesReport on a Joint Order relative to the Kennebec Ferry Company1843
36Transportation: FerriesReport on an Order relative to the repeal of an Act relating to ferries passed March 14, 1842.1843
37Transportation: FerriesReport on the Petition of Henry and James C. Tallman for an alteration in the Charter of the Sagadahock Ferry Company1843
38Transportation: FerriesAn Act to repeal the Charter of the Bangor and Brewer Ferry Company1843
39Transportation: FerriesReport on the Petition of Joseph Northey and others for an Act of incorporation to establish a Ferry between Gardiner and Pittston and remonstrance of William Cooper and others1843
40Transportation: FerriesReport on the Petition of Hannibal Longfellow for additional provisions and restrictions of the Hallowell Horse Ferry1843
41Transportation: FerriesAn Act to establish the Harpswell and Orr's Island Ferry Company1844
42Transportation: FerriesReport on the Order relative to taxing licensed Ferries and Threshing Machines1844
43Transportation: FerriesReport on the Petition of Charles Collins and others relative to establishing a Steam Ferry between Portland and Cape Elizabeth1844
44Transportation: FerriesAn Act to re-establish the Hallowell Ferry Company1845
45Transportation: FerriesAn Act to establish the Islesborough and Northport Ferry Company1845
46Transportation: FerriesAn Act to incorporate the Old Town and Milford Ferry Company1845
47Transportation: FerriesCommunication from the Penobscot County Commissioners relative to a Charter for a Steam or Horse Power Ferry from Bangor to Brewer1846
48Transportation: FerriesReport on the Petition of Samuel Orr and others for a longer time to complete the Harpswell and Orr's Island Ferry1846
49Transportation: FerriesReport on the Petition of John Balch and others that the Charter of the Sagadahoc Ferry Company may be repealed1846
50Transportation: FerriesAn Act to incorporate the Portland and Cape Elizabeth Ferry Company1847

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