Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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476Transportation: Roads, Highways and TurnpikesResolve providing for the repair of the Aroostook Road1849
477Transportation: Roads, Highways and TurnpikesResolve making a land grant in aid of a road from the American line on the River Saint John to the Allagash River1849
478Transportation: Roads, Highways and TurnpikesReport relative to the amounts assessed, paid and due the State for building and repair of roads in unincorporated places1849
479Transportation: Roads, Highways and TurnpikesAn Act to authorize the laying out a road over tide waters in the Towns of Georgetown and Arrowsic in the County of Lincoln1849
480Transportation: Roads, Highways and TurnpikesReport on the Petition of the Selectmen of Belmont for help in building their county roads1849
481Transportation: Roads, Highways and TurnpikesResolve in favor of Alpheus Lyon1850
482Transportation: Roads, Highways and TurnpikesAn Act granting certain privileges to the Inhabitants of the Town of Vinalhaven in the County of Waldo1850
483Transportation: Roads, Highways and TurnpikesReport on an Order relative to making an appropriation for the repair of bridges on the Mattanawcook and Mars Hill Road1850
484Transportation: Roads, Highways and TurnpikesAn Act relating to the surrender of toll bridges and turnpikes to public uses1850
485Transportation: Roads, Highways and TurnpikesReport on an Act additional to the 25th Chapter of the Revised Statutes in relation to highway surveyors1850
486Transportation: Roads, Highways and TurnpikesResolve for the repair of the Houlton and Baring Road through the Indian Township1850
487Transportation: Roads, Highways and TurnpikesAn Act to incorporate the Umbagog Plank Road Company1850
488Transportation: Roads, Highways and TurnpikesAn Act to incorporate the Penobscot Plank Road Company (No Petition)1850
489Transportation: Roads, Highways and TurnpikesResolve providing for the repair of the Military Road1850
490Transportation: Roads, Highways and TurnpikesResolve abating the interest on the road tax in Number 1, Range 2, Somerset County, west of the Kennebec River1850
491Transportation: Roads, Highways and TurnpikesResolve in relation to the repair of the road through Letter H.1850
492Transportation: Roads, Highways and TurnpikesResolve authorizing the Land Agent to dispose of lands in Orient in the County of Aroostook for road labor1850
493Transportation: Roads, Highways and TurnpikesResolve for the repair of the Dead River Road, so called, in the County of Somerset1850
494Transportation: Roads, Highways and TurnpikesReport on the Petition of James Goff, Junior that a special Act be passed in relation to damages from a highway laid out across his land1850
495Transportation: Roads, Highways and TurnpikesResolve in favor of Patricktown Plantation1850
496Transportation: Roads, Highways and TurnpikesReport on the Petition of William Moulton and others for the repeal of the law authorizing the City of Portland to lay out and construct streets over tide waters1850
497Transportation: Roads, Highways and TurnpikesReport on an Order amending laws in regard to land taken for highways1850
498Transportation: Roads, Highways and TurnpikesReport on the Petition of P. P. Quimby and others for a law relating to fences on commons and highways1850
499Transportation: Roads, Highways and TurnpikesReport on the Order in relation to powers and duties of highway surveyors1850
500Transportation: Roads, Highways and TurnpikesReport on the Petition of Amos Decker and others for an appropriation on the county road from Kingsbury to Moosehead Lake1850

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