Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Jellison, Benjamin and othersReport on the petition of, that Plantation 14 (Waltham) and part of Mariaville may be incorporated into a town or plantation1826
2WalthamSee Jellison, Benjamin and others 1826 GY 41-19
3WalthamSee Mariaville South 1827 RS 20-30
4WalthamSee Number 14 Plantation 1829 PS 56-40
5WalthamAn Act to incorporate the Town of1833
6WalthamSee also Township 14, Hancock County
7Waltham Petition SignersSundry Petitions and Remonstrances relative to an Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks, approved August 7, 1846 (alphabetical by town)1847
8Waltham Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Benjamin Silsby and others for an Act of incorporation to improve the navigation of Union River and its tributaries with exclusive right to navigate the same by steam and remonstrance of Elliot Jordan and others1848

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