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Lincoln County Probate Records


Will of Daniel Goud

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In the Name of God, Amen—The Twenty seventh Day of April A. D. One thousand seven hundred and sixty seven, I Daniel Goud of Pownalborough in the County of Lincoln, yeoman, being of perfect mind and Memory, & knowing that it is appointed to all men once to die & thinking it my Duty to set my house in Order, before that awful last hour overtakes me, do hereby make and ordain my Last Will and Testament; that is to say, principally and first of all I commend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it, trusting in the Merits of his Dear Son My Lord and Saviour, for the pardon of all my Sins and Acceptance with him—My Body I commit to the Earth to be buried at the Discretion of my Executor, nothing doubting but that I shall receive the same by the mighty power of God at the General Resurrection. And as to my worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this Life, I give, devise and dispose of in manner and form following that is to say

Imps I give to my Daughter Elizabeth Clancey the sum of six shillings to be paid her in one year after my Decease which, with what I gave her in my Life Time is in full of her portion of my Estate

Item I give to my Daughter Susannah Carney the sum of six shillings which with what I gave her in my Life Time is in full of her portion of my Estate

lastly All the Rest and Residue of my Estate Real, personal or mixed, wheresoever the same is, I give and devise to my Son George Goud, to hold to him, and his heirs forever, he the said George paying to my two Daughters aforesaid the said sum of six shillings apiece, also he paying all my Just Debts and funeral Charges.

And I do hereby constitute and appoint my said Son George Goud sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament revoking and disannulling all other and former Testaments by me heretofore made ; declaring this and no other to be my last Will & Testament—

In Witness whereof I the said Daniel Goud do hereto set my hand & seal the Day & year aforewritten.

Daniel Goud (Seal)

Signed, Sealed & Deliver'd,
& declared by the said
Testator to be his last
Will & Testament in presence of

Chas. Cushing
Mary Nye
Jona. Bowman

Probated 12 Ap., 1769. [I, 196-7.] Inventory by Samuel Emerson, Richard Kidder and George Lilly, all of Pownalborough, 7 Ap., 1770, £31 : 16 : 4. [I, 198.]

Source: The Probate Records of Lincoln County, Maine, 1760 to 1800 (Portland, Me.: Printed for the Maine Genealogical Society, 1895), p. 49, citing Lincoln County, Maine, Probate Records.

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