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Lincoln County Probate Records


Will of Hannah Gould

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In the Name of God Amen The Twenty Eight of August 1774 I Hannah Gould of Georgetown in the County of Lincoln Spinster Being Very Sick and Weak in Body But of perfect Mind and Memory Thanks Be Given To God : Therefore Calling unto Mind the Mortality of My Body and Knowing it is appointed For all Men Once to die do Make and Ordain this My Last Will and Testament That is to Say Principaly and First of All I give and recommend my Soul into The hands of God who gave it : and my Body I recommend To The Earth to Be buried in Decent Christian Burial at The discretion of my Executors nothing Doubling but at The General Resurrection I Shall receive the Same Again by ye Mighty Power of God. and as Touching Such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath Pleased God To Bless me in this Life I Give demise and Dispose of ye Same in the Following Manner and Form &c

Item I give to my well Beloved Daughter Mercy Gould Ten Shilling Lawful Money as also To my Well Beloved Daughter Hannah Ten Shillings Lawful Money also I Give To my Well Beloved Son Joseph Gould Ten Shillings Lawful.

Item I Give and Bequeath to my Well Beloved Daughter Mary Gould Ten Shillings Lawful Money

Item I Give and Bequeath To Stephen Gould my Well Beloved Son Twenty Shillings Lawful Money

Item I Give and Bequeath To my Well Beloved Daughter Anstis Gould all the Moveables Belonging To The house.

Item I Give and Bequeath To my Well Beloved Son Moses Gould and To My Well Beloved Daughter Anstis Gould after All my Honest Debts are Paid All My Lands and Buildings Together with all My Stock To Be by Them Equally Divided For their own Proper Use and Benefit

Item I Make Constitute and Ordain Philip Higgins of Georgetown in ye County of Lincoln Merchant my Sole Executrix To this my Last Will and Testament

And I do Hereby Utterly disallow revoke and disannul all and every other former Testaments Wills Legacies and Bequests and Executors by me in any Ways before Named Willed and Bequeathed Ratifying and Confirming This and No other to Be my Last will and Testament. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand and Seal The Day and Year Above Written.

Hannah Goold (seal)

Signed Sealed Published
Pronounced and declared
By the Said Hannah Gould
as her Last Will and Testament
In Presence of

John Williams
Abel X [his mark] Eaton Juner
John Farrin

Probated 22 Ap., 1777. [II, 35.] Inventory by Benjamin Brown, Abiezer Holbrook and James Lemont, all of Georgetown, 2 June, 1777. [II, 68.]

Source: The Probate Records of Lincoln County, Maine, 1760 to 1800 (Portland, Me.: Printed for the Maine Genealogical Society, 1895), p. 81, citing Lincoln County, Maine, Probate Records.

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