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Lincoln County Probate Records


Administration Record of Ebenezer Gray

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Ebenezer Gray, late of Pownalborough. Reuben Gray, of Pownalborough, Adm'r, 28 Jan., 1778. [II, 92.] Jonathan Williamson and Isaac Young, both of Pownalborough, sureties. Inventory by Thomas Rice, Jonathan Williamson and Michael Sevey, all of Pownalborough, 18 Feb., 1778; inventory of wearing apparel of Mary Gray, wife of deceased, by same apprizers, 24 June, 1779; account filed 19 Jan., 1779. [II, 99.] Account filed 22 Sep., 1779. [II, 100.] Reuben Gray, of Pownalborough, guardian of Jemima, minor daughter, and Levi and Ebenezer, minor sons, 22 Sep., 1779 ; John Huse, of Pownalborough, guardian of Thomas, minor son, 22 Ap., 1779. [II, 1 301.] Mary and Elizabeth, minor daughters, chose Azariah Pottle, of Pownalborough, to be their guardian, Jan. 1779. [III, 255.] Account of Reuben Gray, guardian of Jemima and Ebenezer, filed 1 May, 1790. [Unrecorded.]

Source: The Probate Records of Lincoln County, Maine, 1760 to 1800 (Portland, Me.: Printed for the Maine Genealogical Society, 1895), p. 92, citing Lincoln County, Maine, Probate Records.

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