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Lincoln County Probate Records


Will of Thomas Stinson

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I Thomas Stinson of Woolwich in the County of Lincoln, Gentleman being under Indisposition of Body but of sound Mind and Memory, do make this my last Will and Testament, viz. In the first place I recommend my Soul to the hands of God who gave it, and my Body to the Earth, to be buried in a decent Manner at the Discretion of my Executor herein after named, not doubting but that I shall receive the same again at the Resurrection of the just.

And as to such worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me in this Life, I give, devise & dispose of the same in Manner and form following

Imprimis I give unto my Son James Stinson the sum of twenty four Pounds eleven shillings, to be paid him immediately after my Decease by my Executor ; I also give unto my said Son three Cows, to be delivered him in three years after my Decease ; which with what I gave him in my Life Time is in full of his Portion out of my Estate.

Item I give unto my Son Thomas Stinson the sum of Ten shillings, to be paid him by my Executor immediately after my Decease; the same sum, with what I have already given him at the Time of his Marriage, being in full of his Portion of my Estate.

Item I give unto my Son Robert Stinson the sum of seven Pounds sixteen shillings to be paid him by my Executor immediately after my Decease ; the same sum, with what I have already given him in my Life Time, being in full of his Portion of my Estate.

Item I give unto my Daughter Isabella Paine fourteen Pounds seventeen shillings & one penny to be paid her by my Executor immediately after my Decease—I also give unto my said Daughter three Cows, to be deliver'd her by my said Executor within three years after my Decease ; the same with what I gave her in my Life Time, being in full of her Portion of my Estate.

Item : I give to my Daughter Mary Hourd two Cows, to be delivered her by my Executor within three years after my Decease; the same, with what I have given her in my Life Time being in full of her Portion of my Estate.

Item It is my will and pleasure That my son John be maintained out of my Estate, and I do order that my Son Samuel provide for him & support him comfortably out of my Estate during the Term of his the said John's natural Life.

Item. All the Rest and Residue of my Estate real and personal wheresoever the same is or May be found, I give & devise unto my Son Samuel Stinson, he paying all my just Debts & funeral Expenses, and all & every of the aforemention'd Legacies, & maintaining my said Son John as aforesaid—To hold to him & his heirs forever. Lastly. I do hereby constitute & appoint my said Son Samuel sole Executor of this my last Will & Testament : hereby revoking any former Testament by me heretofore made, I declare this to be my last Will & Testament. Witness my Hand and Seal this thirtieth day of Septem'r A. D. 1779.

Thomas Stinson (seal)

Signed Seal'd and declared
by the said Thomas Stinson
the Testator to be his last Will
& Testament in presence of

John White
Hop still Delano
Eben'r Hasey Jun

Probated 3 May, 1780. [II, 106.] Inventory by Hopestill Delano, Joshua Farnham and William Chalmers, all of Woolwich, 21 June, 1780. [II, 108.]

Source: The Probate Records of Lincoln County, Maine, 1760 to 1800 (Portland, Me.: Printed for the Maine Genealogical Society, 1895), p. 95, citing Lincoln County, Maine, Probate Records.

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