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Lincoln County Probate Records


Administration Record of Robert Spear

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Robert Spear, late of Winslow. Roger Chase, residing at Kennebeck, Adm'r, 1 Oct., 1778. Ezekiel Chase, of Hallowell, and Matthew Chase, of Kennebeck River, sureties. Inventory by Jonathan Emery, Ephraim Wilson and Silas Warner, all residing at Kennebeck River, 10 Nov., 1778, (at which date the widow of deceased had become Mrs. Chase), £32 : 12 : 1. [II, 134.]

Source: The Probate Records of Lincoln County, Maine, 1760 to 1800 (Portland, Me.: Printed for the Maine Genealogical Society, 1895), p. 104, citing Lincoln County, Maine, Probate Records.

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