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Lincoln County Probate Records


Will of Charles Snipe

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In the neam of God Amean this ninth Day of feburey Anno Domini one thousand saven hundred and Saventy two and In the twevlth year of the Rigen of his magstey George the third I Charls Snipe of Georgetown within Countey of Lincolin and Province of the Masseschuset Bay In new England yeman Bearing under Som Bodley InDispotion But of perfet mind and memary thanks Be to God therfor Calling to mind the mortaletey of Bodey knowing that It Is apointed for all men to Die Do mak and ordane this my Last will and testement that Is to Say Prinsabley and In first Plaes I Give and Bequath my Soul Into God that Gave It and my Body I Recommend to the Earth to be Buried In a Cristen Desant Burall at Discration of my Executors nothing Doupting But at the Genneral Resuration I Shall Recive the Same agean By the mightey Powar of God and as to Such things and wordley Estate as It hath Plesed God to Bliss me with In this Life I Give and Demise and Dispose the Same In the fowling menner and form Imprimis I Give and Bequath to my Beloved wife Ann Snipe During hir naturell Life one third part of my Reall Estat on Arowsick Island with one third part of all my Chattels with my Best Beed and Beeding and all my Houshold furniture Itim I Do Give unto my Beloved Dughter Sarah Potter teen Shillings Itim I Do Give unto my Beloved Dughter Hannah Drumond teen Shillings Itim I Do Give unto my Beloved Dughter Ann Potter two milch Cows one heffer and Six Sheepe Item I Give unto my Beloved Dughter Jean two milch Cows one heffer Six Sheepe and saven pounds Lawfull money one Beed and Beding Item I Give unto my Beloved Dughter Marthow Snipe two milch Cows one heffer Six Sheepe and Saven pounds Lawfull money one Beed and Beeding Item I Do Give unto my Beloved Sons John Charls and Gordon Snipe all my Esteat Both Reall and Parsonall Layeing and Bearing on Arowsick Island or Elswhear not Given Before and as I have Given my Beloved wife Ann Snipe the Emprovment of one third of my Reall Estate During hir Lif and one third of my Chatols It Is my furder will and Plesuer that at hir Desses my Sons John Charls and Gordon Shall Inherret have and poses the Said third and the Chattols that my Said wife Shall Leave at hir Deses I will that they be Equley Devided Betwen my five Dughters Sarah Hannah Ann Jean and Marthow the money to be payd By my Executors within two years after my Desses I Do Constuet mak and ordean John Stinson Esqr and my Beloved Son John Snipe my Sole Executors of this my Last will and testament and I Do hearbey utterly Disalow Revoke and and Disanule all and Evrey formar will testment or bequathment and Executors By me are Enewise Before named Raitifieng and Confirming this and no other to be my Last will and testement In witnes wherof I have Sett my hand and Seall the Day and year above writen

Charles Snipe (seal)

Signed Sealed Pubshled Pronounced and Declard By the Sead Charls Snipe as his Last will and testement In the presances us

Daniel Mcfaden
Joseph Preble
Daniel Mcfaden Junr

Probated first Wed. of Mar., 1 782. [II, 156.] Inventory by Daniel Mcfaden, Joseph Preble and William Stinson, all of Georgetown, 26 Feb., 1783, £1276 : 1 : 6. [Unrecorded.]

Source: The Probate Records of Lincoln County, Maine, 1760 to 1800 (Portland, Me.: Printed for the Maine Genealogical Society, 1895), p. 105, citing Lincoln County, Maine, Probate Records.

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