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Lincoln County Probate Records


Administration Record of Levi Soule

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Levi Soule, late of Waldoborough. Abigail Soule, of Waldoborough, widow, Adm'x, 4 June, 1782. Cornelius Turner and Moses Copeland, sureties. [II, 241.] Inventory by Moses Copeland, of Warren, and Nathaniel Simmons and David Vinall, both of Waldoborough, 3 July, 1783. [III, 132-3.] Account filed 2 Mar., 1796, at which date the administratrix had become the wife of Cornelius Turner. [VII, 223.] Widow's dower set off by Waterman Thomas, Charles Samson and Michael Sprague, all of Waldoborough, 1798. [VIII, 5.] Division of personal estate among widow, Levi, and Abigail, wife of Joshua Howard, Jr., 19 Sep., 1797. [VIII, 6.]

Source: The Probate Records of Lincoln County, Maine, 1760 to 1800 (Portland, Me.: Printed for the Maine Genealogical Society, 1895), p. 129, citing Lincoln County, Maine, Probate Records.

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