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Lincoln County Probate Records


Will of Solomon Page

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In the Name of God amen this Instrument made the third day of April AD one thousand seven hundred & eighty seven, I Solomon Page of Bath in the County of Lincoln & in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, being of sound Mind & good memory (blessed be God for it) calling to mind the Mortallity of my Body & knowing that it appointed unto all Men once to die Do make & ordain this my last will & Testament that is to say principly & first of all I give & commend my Soul into the hands of Him who gave it and my Body I recommend to the dust out of which it was formed not doubting but at the general resurrection I shall be raised the same again by the mighty power of God. and as touching my worly Estate of what nature or kind soever, after my Just Debts & funiral Charges are paid, I do hereby give & bequeath in the following manner Viz—

Imprimis I give & bequeath to my true & beloved Wife Judith the free use & improvement of one half of my Farm I now live on in the Town of Bath aforesaid so long as she remains my Widow, & the improvement of one half of my dweling House & Barn also one third part of the live stock & all the houseel stuff in my house that belongs to me & all my Books & all my Notes against one Abner Clough—and one half of what Mr. Ephraim Fitts owes me—

Item I give & bequeath to the lawfull heirs of my son Nathan Page deceast thirteen pounds six shillings & eight pence to be paid in five Years after the decease of myself & my aforesaid Wife to be paid by my Executor in such articels as he, my Execu't & said heirs shall agree on—

Item I give & bequeath to the Children of my Daughter Ruth deceast thirteen pounds six shillings & eight pence to be paid in five years after the decease of myself & my aforesaid Wife, by my Executor in such articels as he, my said Execu't & said Children shall agree on—

Item I give & bequeath to my son Simon Page thirteen pounds six shillings & eight pence to be paid in one year after the decease of myself & my Wife aforesaid by my Executor in such articels as he, my Execu't & said Simon shall agree on—

Item—I give & bequeath to my son Dudly Page five shillings—

Item—I give & bequeath to my Daugter Owen six pounds to be paid in one year after the decease of myself & my aforesaid Wife—

Item—I give & bequeath to my son Edward Hall Page one half of the Farm I now live on in Bath aforesaid, one half of my dweling House & Barn & the other half of said Farm, house & Barn at my aforesaid Wifes decease with two thirds of the live stock upon it at my decease also I give to said Hall half the Money which Mr. Ephraim Fitts owes me also all my husbandry tools & utensials, also all my wearing Cloaths—

Item I give & bequeath to my Daughter Dorcas Shurtlef six pounds to be paid in one year after my decease—

I Do appoint my Wife Judith & my son Edward Hall Page to be the Executors of this my last Will & Testament & my son Edward Hall Page to pay all the above mentioned Legacies—

And I give & bequeath all my Estate Real & Personal that is not before bequeath & mentioned to my said Executors—

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the third day of April AD one thousand seven hundred & eighty seven—

Solomon Page (seal)

Signed Sealed & Declared by
the Testator to be his last Will
& Testament in Presents of us who
subscribed the same in presents of the
said Testator—

Ephraim Fitts
Moses Brown
Dumr. Sewall

Probated 25 Ap., 1788. [III, 150-151.] Inventory by Dummer Sewall, John Berry and Joseph White, all of Bath, 21 May, 1788, £422 : 17 : 8. [V, 169.]

Source: The Probate Records of Lincoln County, Maine, 1760 to 1800 (Portland, Me.: Printed for the Maine Genealogical Society, 1895), p. 158, citing Lincoln County, Maine, Probate Records.

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