Lincoln County Probate Records


Administration Record of Joseph Mains

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Joseph Mains, late of Woolwich. Beatris Mains, of Woolwich, widow, Adm'x, 24 July, 1790. [IV, 148.] Robert White and Joel Reed, both of Woolwich, sureties. Inventory by Samuel Harnden, Thomas Motherwill and David Gilmore, all of Woolwich, 20 Aug., 1790, £521 : 15 : 2. [IV, 175.] Nathaniel Thwing and David Gilmore, both of Woolwich, commissioners to examine claims. Bettrice, widow, guardian unto Sarah, minor daughter, 31 May, 1799. [IX, 180.] James Cobb, minor son, chose Robert White, of Woolwich, to be his guardian, 31 May, 1799. [IX, 229.] Bettrice and Anna, minor daughters, chose Bettrice, widow, to be their guardian, 31 May, 1799. [IX, 230-1.] Division of real estate by Nathaniel Thwing, David Gilmore and Jacob Eames, all of Woolwich, 5 June, 1801, among Susanna, wife of William Partridge, Anna, Beatrice, James, Sarah and Abigail Mains. [XIII, 453-4.]

Source: The Probate Records of Lincoln County, Maine, 1760 to 1800 (Portland, Me.: Printed for the Maine Genealogical Society, 1895), p. 197, citing Lincoln County, Maine, Probate Records.

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