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Lincoln County Probate Records


Administration Record of Andrew Reed the 2d

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Andrew Reed the 2d :, late of Boothbay, mariner. Hannah Reed, of Pownalborough, widow, Adm'x, 10 June 1791. [IV, 210-211.] Inventory by Joseph Decker and Stephen Clough, both of Pownalborough, and Moses Davis, of Edgecomb, 19 July, 1791, £22 : 9 : 0. [IV, 222-3.] Moses Davis, of Edgecomb, and Ebenezer Whittier, of Pownalborough, commissioners to examine claims. [V, 25.] Account filed and distribution ordered 25 May, 1792, at which date administratrix had become the wife of Nathaniel Stevens, of Woolwich. [V, 26.]

Source: The Probate Records of Lincoln County, Maine, 1760 to 1800 (Portland, Me.: Printed for the Maine Genealogical Society, 1895), p. 205, citing Lincoln County, Maine, Probate Records.

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