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Lincoln County Probate Records


Will of Dennis Getchell

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Be it Remembered, that I Dennis Getchell of Vassalborough, in the County of Lincoln and State of Massachusetts-Bay Yeoman, being of Sound Mind, & Memory, Do make and Ordain, this my last Will & Testament in manner Following-vizt—

1st- I will that all my Just Debts, & Funeral Charges be paid out of my Estate

2d- I give unto my beloved Wife Margaret my Best Bed & Sufficient furniture therewith—

3d I give unto my Son Dennis The whole of the Lot of Land I now Live on, being the front Division of Lott No. 85 East Side of Kennebec River in Vassalboro' save what I sold to Amos Child with— about —— Acres purchased of my Brother Nehemiah as pr Deed bearing date —— ninth month Seventeen hundred Ninety, will appear, together with all the Previleges & Appurtenances to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining—also all the remainder of my Estate, I die possessed of. Both real & personal & of what name or Nature soever except the Reserves hithertofore, and hereafter made. He the said Dennis on His part & in Consideration thereof, paying all my Just Debts, & legacies herein mentioned—and also Support & Maintain in a Comfortable Manner my Wife Margaret during her living in a State of Widowhood—or untill she may see Cause to Marry again—she yielding what Assistance she can towards her own & the Families Support—& also He the said Dennis is to Maintain, Support, bring up, & Educate according to Reasonable Expectation my Six Children here named vizt. Margaret, David, Anstrus, Lidia, Fanney & Mary, untill they the Girls shall come to the Age of Eighteen Years, & my Son David to the Age of Twenty One Years-at which periods of Time I will that He my Son Dennis shall give each of my Daughters aforesaid a Cow each. They the said Daughters—& the said David during their State of Minority yielding all Reasonable Aid & Help in & for Their own Support.

4ly. I give unto my Son Elihu five shillings—

5ly. I give unto my Son Edmund five shillings

6ly. I give unto my Daughter Abigail five shillings

7ly. I give unto my Son Remington the Eastern half of the Back Division of Lott No 84, East Side Kennebek River in Vassallboro.

8ll I give unto my Son David the Western half of the aforesaid Back Division of Lott No 84.

9ly. It is my Will that when my Youngest Daughter shall arrive to the Age of Eighteen Years, that an equal Distribution be made of the remainder of my Household Goods, to my Daughters Margaret, Anstrus, Lidia, Fanney, and Mary.

10ly. I Nominate my Friend John Taber Guardian to my Son David, & to all my Daughters under age

11ly. I Nominate & appoint my Friend John Taber Executor to this my last Will & Testament Desireing His assistance in Executeing the same according to the True Intent & meaning thereof Disallowing and Disannulling, all other Wills by me Hithertofore made. In Witness whereof I Hereunto Set my hand & Seal this Second day of the Ninth Month Seventeen hundred Ninety.

N B the Name "Margaret" & words "& Testament" were interlines before signing &c also the word Ninth/—

Dennis Getchel (seal)

Sign'd, Seald, & Published, by
the Testator, as, and for, His
last Wil & Testament in presence
of us the Subscribers

Remington Hobby,
David Dickey
William Getchell

Probated 6 Jan., 1792. [V, 14-15.]

Source: The Probate Records of Lincoln County, Maine, 1760 to 1800 (Portland, Me.: Printed for the Maine Genealogical Society, 1895), p. 218, citing Lincoln County, Maine, Probate Records.

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