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Lincoln County Probate Records


Will of Zebedee Simmons

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I give to my wife the income of the Sloop till she thinks best to Sell her and then to be Devided between her and the Children as the rest of my Estate likewise one Hundred Dollars in Cash. Likewise I give to Polly Haupt Fifty Dollars and Thomas Waterman Fifty Dollars and Deborah Waterman Fifty Dollars, and I likewise give to my Sister Sarah Simmons a Note of Hand against my Brother Stephen for Twenty four Pounds. I Likewise give the Income of my Place to my wife and Children one third to my wife and the other two thirds to my Children till they come of age and then to be Eaqualy Devided between them after the Charges and Debts are paid. I likewise give the Debts due to me to my wife and Children to be Eaqualy Devided between them Except the Note of Hand and the Other Legacies that I have bequeathed above Likewise I would give Thomas Waterman my part of the Timber that I own in a Vessel frame but not as a gift but for him to have the Refusal of it towards what I owe him ; Likewise I give my Mare to my wife to be Disposed of according to her Desire exclusive of what I have above given And all the Rest I have not Mentioned to my wife and Children to be Divided Eaqualy between them ; Likewise appoint my Brother Stephen Simmons Thomas Waterman and my Brother Joseph Simmons Exicutors to this my will

Given under my hand and this Sixteenth Day of October in the Year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninetythree I Likewise appointe my wife Gaurdein to my Children till Thomas Waterman comes of Age and then I appoint him their Guardian

Zebedee Simmons seal

In presence of

Ezekiel G. Dodge
Robt. Farnsworth

Probated 25 Ap., 1794. Letters testamentary issued to Stephen Simmons and Joseph Simmons, both of Waldoborough, 25 Ap., 1794. [VI, 7 to 9.] Mary Simmons, of Waldoborough, widow, guardian unto Zebedee, minor son, 26 Ap., 1794. [VI, 26.] Inventory by William Farnsworth, Peleg Oldham and Nathaniel Pitcher, all of Waldoborough. [VI, 161 to 165.] Account filed 25 June, 1806. [XI, 213-214.]

Source: The Probate Records of Lincoln County, Maine, 1760 to 1800 (Portland, Me.: Printed for the Maine Genealogical Society, 1895), p. 238, citing Lincoln County, Maine, Probate Records.

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