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Lincoln County Probate Records


Will of John Martin Shaeffer

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In The Name of Holy Thrinety Father Son and Holy Ghost.—

Know all men by these Presents that I John Martin Shaffer of a Place called Broad Bay with out the bounds of any Town but in the County of Lincoln and Provinz of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Clarke am and be in Right, full and Good Senses and State of Health and being resolved to go to Europa to Germany my Native Country, and not Knowing when it shall please my Creator to call me out of this World I therefore make this my last Will and Testament disannulling all former Wills and Testaments or other Writings of any Kind of the like, Onely acknowledge this to be my onely and last Will to be observed

First. I Committ my Soul in to the Hands of Allmighty God and Crave His mercies and forgiveness.

Secondly I Comitt unto the Allmightys Protection my Wife Margett and my Daughter Mary which both I hereby Declare acknowledge Order and Appoint to be my onely and Lawfull Heirs to my Estate or Estates real or personall it may be or have Name what so ever and Order them hereby to administer to the same after my decease jointly and them to Devide all and every Estat's Effects, Goods and Things whatsoever equally amongst them, (Except the Bed which I intirely bequeathe to the Said Margett my Wife for her Sole Use and Propperty In Witness that this is my true, firm and Last Will and Testament to be observed, have hereunto Sett my Hand and Seal this Sixth Day of August Anno Domini one Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Seven and in the Seventh Year of His Majestys Reign.

John Martin Schaeffer (seal)

Signed Sealed & Delivred
in the presence of

Chars. Leissner
Andrew Storer
______ Miller

Lincoln sc. Broad Bay August 6th 1767 Then the Revd John Martin Schaeffer above named appearing personally Acknowledged published pronounced and Declared the above written Instrument to be his last Will and Testament.

Coram David Fales Just Pacis.

Probated 13 Sep., 1794. [VI, 21-22.] Margaret Schaeffer renounced executorship 13 Sep., 1794, and Mary Schaeffer being dead, Moses Copeland, of Warren, was appointed Adm'r cum testamento annexo, 13 Sep., 1794. [VI, 23.] Daniel Dunbar, of Warren, and Marlboro Packard, of Cushing, sureties. Inventory by Patrick Pepbles, Benjamin Webb and John Spear, all of Warren, 11 July, 1795, £656 : 2 : 11. [VI, 154 to 157.] Account filed 1 Nov., 1800. [VIII, 236.]

Source: The Probate Records of Lincoln County, Maine, 1760 to 1800 (Portland, Me.: Printed for the Maine Genealogical Society, 1895), p. 246, citing Lincoln County, Maine, Probate Records.

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