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Lincoln County Probate Records


Will of John Sevey

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In the Name of God, Amen. I John Sevey of the Town of Pownalborough in the state of Massachusetts, Trader, being very Sick and Weak of Body, but of Perfect Mind & Memory, thanks be given unto God, calling unto Mind the Mortality of my Body, and knowing that it is Appointed for all Men Once to die, do make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament, that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my Soul into the Hand of Almighty God, that gave it. And my Body I recommend to the Earth to be Buried in a decent Christian Burial at the Discretion of my Executors Nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same Again by the Mighty Power of God, and as touching such Worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this Life, I give, demise and dispose of the same in the following Manner and form—

First—I give and bequeath unto my Well beloved son Wyman Bradbury Sevey, One quarter of the Dwelling in which I now live with One quarter of the Lot on which it stands being a quarter of an Acre Lot also One half the store standing on the same also give unto the said Wyman the store and Wharfe on which it stands. Reserving unto my well Beloved Daughter Moriah Sevey the undisturbed Priviledge of Landing Wood or any other Commodity whatever on said Wharfe during her Natural Life free & clear of any expense of Wharfage or Dockage I also give him all my Right, Title & Intress with every priviledge thereunto belonging, to all the Land and Flatts lying below Fore street and between the Wharfe & store aforesaid and Zenas Stutsons line, also give him One half the Lot on which the Barn stands together with One half of the Barn—I also give him the said Wyman the Whole of the Lot on Which the Widow of Robert Light deceased Now lives together with Betty Elmes, the same Adjoining the Lands of Zenas Studson and the Heirs of John Bridge on the One side and the lands of Alexander Cuningham & Josiah Goddard on the other side being the same I purchased from Nathaniel Rundlet deceased—I also give to him the said Wyman all my Right, Title or Intress to a Lott or parcell of Land, lying between the Land & Dwelling House of Mr. Silas Lee and Fifth Street, being in Front of Lotts Number Five and Six, being the same I purchased from Samuel Williamson, Nathaniel Rundlet Junr. & Charles Rundlet. I also give unto the said Wyman all the Lands I own lying on the Easterly side of Thomas Follensbeys North line so called lying in Pownalborough to include all the Lands on said East side down to the Road by Robert Greenoughs—Reserving to my Daughter Moriah during her Natural Life the priviledge of Pasturing two Cows free & Clear of any expense in such Grounds as shall commonly be Used as a Pasture by him his Heirs or Assigns I also give unto him the said Wyman One Pair of Steers Now kept by Nathaniel Rundlet, together with One half of all my remaining Cattle at Home and abroad after taking out such Ones as will be here after Mentioned which I give to my Daughter Moriah—I also give unto him my Cart & Wheels, together with One Quarter of all & singular my House hold furnilure and Farming Utentials excepting such as shall be hereafter Mentioned which I give to my Son Samuel Sevey—

I Also give and bequeath unto my Well beloved son Samuel Sevey the Quarter Acre Lot on which Messrs. Roby & Crufts Store Now stands together with the North Easterly half of the quarter Acre Lot on which Mr. Mannassah Smiths Office & Messrs. Thompson & Tinkham's Store stands also the quarter Acre Lot I purchased from John Erskine Adjoining Lands of Abiel Wood Esqr. also I give him the said Samuel all my Right & Title which I have unto the Marsh and Lands lying in the Township of Newcastle which I purchased from Benjamin Woodbridge—also I give unto him the said Samuel all the Lands which I claim lying to the Westward of Thomas Follensbeys North line commonly so called being in the Township of Pownalborough and Adjoining the Lands of William Groves. I also give him the said Samuel One half the Lott Adjoining the Road leading from Henry Hodge's Esqr. to the Goal being the Northern half of said Lott, which to be divided by a North East & South West Course—I also give unto him the said Samuel, One half of all and singular my Cattle at Home or aBroad except such as has been particularly Mentioned which I have given my Son Wyman & also excepting such hereafter to be Mentioned which I give my Daughter Moriah Also I give him One good Feather Bed, Stead, & Beding Sufficient for the same, likewise One Looking Glass Now kept in the Front Chamber, also One Desk commonly Called Mrs. Sevey's Desk—

Also I give and bequeath unto my well beloved Daughter Moriah Sevey three Quarters of my Dwelling House with three Quarters of the Lot it stands upon with One half the store standing on the same also I give her the Southwesterly half of the quarter Acre Lot on which Mr. Mannassah Smith's Office & Messrs. Thompson & Tinkham store stands also I give unto the said Moriah the Whole of the Lott on which Messrs. Tinkham's & Savage's store stands except the Piece of said Lott which I leased unto the said Tinkham's & Savage being twenty Four feet fronting on Fore street & runing back on said Lott the same Width forty four feet the said Lott extending from Fore Street to Middle Street—also One half the Lott on which the Barn stands with One half the Barn—Also I give unto her the said Moriah One half the Lott by the Meeting House adjoining the Road leading from Henry Hodge's, Esqr. to the Goal, being the Southern half of the same to be divided by a North East and South West Course—also I give unto the said Moriah One Cow which is Now at Home also One Cow & Heffer Now at George Erskins likewise One Cow & Heffer Now at Thomas Woodbridge's together with One Colt—also I give her three Quarters of all and Singular the House hold Furniture & farming Utentials except such as have been particularly Mentioned before and given to my Sons Wyman& Samuel—also I give and bequeath unto my good Friend Joseph Tinkham of Pownalborough Merchant the piece of Land on which the Store stands Owned & improved by him Seth Tmkham & John Savage on the following Conditions, Vizt he the said Joseph Tinkham paying to my Daughter Moriah Sevey, the Anual Rent Agreed upon by Lease during the Remainder of the time yet unexpir'd of the Lease, the said Piece of Land buting on Fore Street twenty four feet in Width and runing back on said Lot keeping the same Width Forty four feet, and at the expiration of the aforesaid Lease the said Joseph Tinkham paying unto my said Daughter Moriah Sevey the Sum of One hundred Dollars—and then the said Joseph Tinkham to hold and enjoy the said Piece of Land him his Heirs or Assigns forever—I also give unto my said Daughter Moriah Sevey, all the Cloaths & Wairing Apperal of what Name or Nature soever which my late beloved Wife died Posessed ofif—And I also order give and bequeath that whatever Estate shall Remain of what Name or Nature soever after my Just Debts, Funeral charges, & expenses of settling my Estate are paid which has Not allready been given and bequeath'd away shall be equaly divided between my two sons Wyman Bradbury Sevey and Samuel Sevey—And lastly I do Constitute make. Ordain and Appoint, Joseph Tinkham Esqr. & my son Wyman Bradbury Sevey Joint & Sole Executors of of this my last Will and Testament. And I do hereby utterly disallow revoke and disannul all & every other former Testaments, Wills legacies Bequests and Executors by me in any Wise before Named Willed and bequeathed Ratifying and Confirming this and No other to be my last Will & Testament—In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fifth day of January in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and ninety six—

John Sevey (seal)

Sign'd Seal'd & Published pronounced and Declar'd
by the said John Sevey as his last Will and Testa-
ment in the presence of us, who in his presence
& in the presence of each other have hereunto
Subscribed our Names—

David Silvester
Ezekiel Cutter
John Glidden

Probated 14 Mar., 1796. Samuel Sevey appealed 15 Mar., 1796. [VII, 129 to 134.] Executors authorized to take goods into custody during pendency of appeal, 14 Ap., 1796. [VI, 138.] Mariah, minor daughter, chose Silas Lee, of Pownalborough, to be her guardian, 14 Mar., 1796. [VI, 132.] Account of Silas Lee, guardian of Maria Sevey, filed 27 Mar., 1798. [VIII, 70-71.] Guardian's advertisement of sale of real estate, 28 Mar., 1798. [VIII, 72.] Inventory by Ebenezer Whittier, David Payson and Nymphas Stacy, all of Pownalborough, 18 Sep., 1798, $6423.28 [VIII, 83 to 85.]

Source: The Probate Records of Lincoln County, Maine, 1760 to 1800 (Portland, Me.: Printed for the Maine Genealogical Society, 1895), p. 288, citing Lincoln County, Maine, Probate Records.

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