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Lincoln County Probate Records


Will of Benjamin Swett

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I Benjamin Swett of Georgetown and County of Lincoln and Common Welth of Massachusetts Shipwight now being of Sound mind and memery but Suposing I am Drawing near the hour of Death make this my last Will and testement as foloeth in the first place I Will and bequath my praches and imortal Soul to God from home I Recived it in Hoapes of Reciving the Same at the Reaseraction of the Just to life Eternal and my tempral intrest I Dispose of in the foloing manner Viz first I Will and bequath to my Son John a Sartean note against Rachel MCobb for the Sume of forty two Dollers Which he has Recived in the Second place I Will and bequath to my Son Benjamin the one half of my homested farm together With the one half of my Stock bulding and privileges their to belong in the Second place I Will and bequath to my two sons William and James the other half of my farme in the Same manner as before mentioned in third place I Will and bequath to my only and Dutifull Daughter Sarah one fether bed and beding in prepotion to the Rest of my Beds one Cow Six Sheep the bed and Cow She is to Recive at my Death and I Do ordain and order that she Shall have one Room in my house During her living Single and on married and to have the profits of the Cow and half the Wool of the Sheep yearly and if She Shold marrey my Son Benjamin is to Give her one other Cow and the Six Sheep is to be given her out of the Stock and I Do ordan and order that Said Cow Shall be maintained on the farm at the Expence of my Son or Sons that live on the farm and if She marrey the other Cow and Six Sheep is to be Delivered to her on Demand Item and I Do ordain and order that my Son Benjamin pay to my Son John one hundred Dollers fifty Dollers to be paid in the term of one year the other fifty in the term of two years and I Do ordain and order that my two Sons William and James pay to my Son John fifty Dollers Dollers Each in the Same manner as Benjamin is to pay and I Do ordain and order that if my Daughter Sarah Should marrey that my two Sons William and James Shall pay to her twenty five Dollers Each Within the term of two years and it is to be under Stood that her Room in the house is to be a Comforable Room and that is not to be Distrubed in it Without her Consent it is also to be under Stood that the other half of my Stock is to pay Charges and Debets if their be any arise and the Remand if any the be is for my Son Benjamin

and I Do Constitute and apointe Benjamin Pattee and my Son Benjamin to be my Executors to this my laste Will and testement

NB all the Words araced and Counter lined Was Don before this Was Signed in Witnis hereof I have Sett my hand and Seal this 10th Day of June in the year of our lord one thousand Seven hundred and Ninty nine

Benjamin Swett (seal)

Sealed Signed and Develard
in pracence of

William Stinson
Nathaniel Morse
Jain Power

Probated 30 Oct., 1799. [VIII, 142.] Jordan Parker and Denny McCobb, both of Georgetown, sureties. Inventory by Mark Langdon Hill, William Butler and Charles Couillard, all of Georgetown, gentlemen, 28 Mar., 1800, $1045. [VIII, 161-2.]

Source: The Probate Records of Lincoln County, Maine, 1760 to 1800 (Portland, Me.: Printed for the Maine Genealogical Society, 1895), p. 327, citing Lincoln County, Maine, Probate Records.

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