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Lincoln County Probate Records


Will of Jonathan Preble

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In the name of God Amen

I Jonathan Preble of Georgetown In the Countey of Lincoln and Province of Masschusetts Bay In New Englen Gentelman Beaing very Sick and weak In Body But of perfect mind and memorey thanks be given to God therefor Calling unto mind the mortality of my Body and knowing that It Is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my Last will and testament that Is to say Principalley and first of all I give and Recommend my Soul Into the hands of God that Give It and my Body I Recommend to the Earth to be Buried In decent Christian Burial at the discretion of my Executors nothing doubting But at the Generall Resurrection I shall Recive the same again By the mighty Power of God and as touching Such worldly Estate wherewith God hath Been pleased to Bless me In this Life I give demise and dispose of the Same In the following manner & forom my Just Debts and funnarel Expences Being first paid

Item I give unto my Loving wife Mehitable Preble on third part of all my Real Estate on the Island of Arrowsick In said Georgetown during hir nateral Life and on third part of my Personall during said term

Item I give unto my Loving Son Jonnathan Preble and to his Heirs and assings forever two hundred akers of Land situated on the nothern side of Merimetting Bay In said Countey of Lincoln at a plase Called Abiggedusat and Bounded Southwardly by said Bay and Extending northwardly or northward according as It Is described by the Instrumint of Convaince of said tract of Land unto me untill two Hundred akers be Compleat as also my Best fowling pice

Item I give unto the Hairs of my Dearly Beloved Son Ebenezer Preble desesed and unto ther Heirs and assings for Ever fiftey akers of said Land ajoyning to the northen part of that tract as Hearafter given to my Son Abraham and this with what I have formerly given to my said Son Ebenezer In his Life time and alowing him to Shair In the produse of a tract of Land on Cusens Island In North yarmouth to the value of on houndred pounds to be said Hairs part of my Real Estate

Item I give unto my Son Abraham Preble his Heirs or assings for Ever fiftey akers of Land ajoyning to the north part of that tract as above given to my Son Jonnathan and to Extend northward from Saied tract and Southward on a tract of fiftey akers given to the Heairs of my Son Ebenezer desesed till said fiftey akers Is Completed and this with what I have formerly done for him In allowing him to Share a part of the Sale of a tract of land Lying on Cusenses Island in Northyarmouth to the valu of on hundred pounds to be his Share of my Real Estate

Item I give unto my Son Joseph Preble whom with my Son Abraham preble I Constitute and appoint to be my Executors of this my Last will and testament and to his Hairs and assigns for Ever that third part of my Real Estate on Arrowsick Island after the death of my wife which I have as above given unto hir during hir nateral Life together with all and Every part of my Real Estate Laying or Beaing on said Island

Item I give the Remainder of all my personall Estate not Before disposed of after the folowing manner viz on fourth part thereof to my Son Abraham Preble on fourth part to the heirs of my desesed Son Ebenezer and on forth part to my Son Jonnathan preble and on fourth part to my Son Joseph Preble to Each and Every of them ther Heirs and asigns forever But wheras my title to the Land Bequathed as above to my Son Jonnathan Preble Is not Such But that ther Is a posability of his failing In holding the Land I have will to him as above and mor probell that he may be put to som Expences By Law or otherwise to Secure his title to sead Lands at Abegduseet It therfor Is my will and order that my Son Abraham my Son Joseph and the Heirs of Pay Son Ebenezer pribell Each and Everey of them and the heirs pay unto my Son Jonnathan Preble or his heirs on fourth part of all such Charges arising By Law Suits or otherwise that Is to Say my Son Abraham or his heirs Pay on fourth part and the Heirs of my Son Ebenezer dessed pay on fourth part and the Heirs of my Son Joseph prible on fourth part of all the Charges that may arise on defenden the title to said track on Abageduset that I have willed to my Son Jonnathan In this my Last will and furder It Is my will & pleasure that Before my Son Abraham preble the heirs of my Son Ebenezer preble and my Son Joseph Preble have and Receive ther Share or part of my personal Estate that they Saverley Becom Bound to my Son Jonnathan preble that If he Cannot Injoy said tract By virtu of this my will by the failuer of my title to the Saim that then my Son Abraham preble pay to my Son Jonathan preble twentey pounds Lafull money and the Heirs of my Son Ebenezer preble pay thirteen pounds Six Shillings and Eght pence and my Son Joseph prible pay twintey six pounds thirteen Shillings and fower pen Lafull money the above Sums to be pay'd to my Son Jonnathan or his Heirs

Revoking all other wills and Bequethments I do Ratify allow and Confirm this and no other to be my Last will and testement In witnes wherof I do Hereunto Sett my hand and Seal 24 day of October anno 1763 ye 3 year of His Majesteys Reign

N B the 2 words By & the In the 30 Line the word Son In the 90 Line Enterlined Befor Signed ye word pound In 40 Line Enterlined Befor Signed

Jonathan Preble (Seal)

Signed Sealed published
and pronounced and declamed
By the Said Jonathan preble
to be his Last will and
testament In presants of us

John Trott
Benja Trott Juner
Lemuel Trott

Before Sigen nine words In twintey fifth Line and five words In twintey Sixth Line Both In the Second page Rased Befor Signed

Probated 13 Ap., 1768. [I, 134-5.] Inventory by Samuel Denny and John Stinson, both of Georgetown, and John Patten, of Topsham. 3 May, 1768, £901 : 1 5 : 9. [I, 136.] Samuel Preble and Ebenezer Preble, minor sons of Ebenezer Preble, late of Woolwich, deceased, chose Samuel Harnden, of Woolwich, to be their guardian, 1768. [I, 151.] Samuel Harden appointed guardian unto Mary Preble, minor daughter of Ebenezer Preble, late of Woolwich, deceased, 27 Sep., 1768. [I, 154.]

Source: The Probate Records of Lincoln County, Maine, 1760 to 1800 (Portland, Me.: Printed for the Maine Genealogical Society, 1895), p. 29, citing Lincoln County, Maine, Probate Records.

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