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Lincoln County Probate Records


Will of Arthur Percy

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In the Name of God Amen—

I Arthur Percy of Georgetown in the County of Lincoln and State of Massathusets, Yeoman, being thro' the abundant Mercy and goodness of God. tho Weak in body, Yet of a sound and perfect Understanding and Memory, do Constitute this my Last will and Testament, and Desire it may be received by all as Such, — First I most humbly Bequeth my soul to God my maker, Beseeching his most Gracious Acceptance of it, thro the all sufficient Merrits and Mediation of my most Compassionate Redeemer jesus christ. Who gave himself to be an attonement for my sins, and is able to save, to the uttermost, all that come unto god by him, Seeing he Ever liveth to make Intercession for them, and who I trust will not Reject me a Returning Sinner, when I Come to him for Mercy ; in this hope and Confidence I Render up my soul with Comfort, humbly, Beseeching the most blessed and Glorious trinity one god most holy, most Mercifull and gracious to Prepare me for the Time of Disolution, and then to take me to himself into that Peace and Rest, and incomparable felicity which he has Prepared for all that fear and love his Holy Name, Amen, blessed be god I Give my Body to the earth, from whence it was taken, in full assurance of its Resurrection from thence at the last day, as for my Burial I Desire it may be Decent without Pomp or State, at the Discretion of my dear wife and my Executors hereafter Named who I Doubt will Manage it with all Requisite Prudence,—

As to my worldly Estate, I will and Positively Order it in the manner and form following— Imprimus Or first I give and bequeth Unto my son David Percy my farm Situate at the head of Sheeps Gut River in Balt town so called Containing one hundred and fifty Acres of land to him and his heirs forever— Item I Give and Bequeth Unto my son Francis Percy fifty Acres adjoining the same farm. Or Nine pound Lawfull money to be Paid him by Joseph Rogers for the s'd fifty Acres — Item I Give and Bequeth Unto my Dear Wife the One third of my Real and Personal Estate Dureing her Natural life if She Remains a Widdow, & I Order that after her Decease or if she should alter her condition by Marriage my Youngest son, Arthur percy shall Inherit his mothers thirds ; Item I Give and Bequeth unto my son John and James the Other two thirds of my Real and personal Estate to be Equally divided Between them, my Dear wife I appoint to be my Executor untill my son John Comes to age, I Order her to Bring my Children up to a Common Education Item I Give and Bequeth Unto my Dear Wife my Case of Drawers to be hers Dureing her Natural life. Item I Give and Bequeth Unto my son Arthur percy junner, my Gold Sleeve Buttons, Unto my son James I Give and Bequeth my Silver Shoe Buceles, to my son John, I Give and Bequeth my Silver watch I order my Debts to be Paid with out fail by my Executors out of my Personal Estate Item I Give and Bequeth Unto my Dugters Polly and Betsey five shillings, Lawfull Money.—As to my Wareing Apparell I lave them to the Discretion of my Dr. Wife whom I appoint my Exc'r to Distribute them among the Children, in Witness Whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the 15 Day of July in the Year of Our lord One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty Eight.

Arthur Percei (seal)

Jeremiah Daisy
John Whelen
Henry wright Blethen

[Not probated.]

Source: The Probate Records of Lincoln County, Maine, 1760 to 1800 (Portland, Me.: Printed for the Maine Genealogical Society, 1895), p. 362, citing Lincoln County, Maine, Probate Records.

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