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Lincoln County Probate Records


Will of James Patterson

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In the Name of God Amen

This is the will and testement of Me the Subscriber James Patterson of Pownalboro in the County of Lincoln Being of a sound mind & perfect Reason

Item I Give My Soul to all mighty God from whome I Received it and My Rody to the Earth to be Deasently Buried in sure & Certain Hoops of a Glorious Reserrection to life Eatearnell

Item I give unto My Dear beloved wife Margrett Patterson all my whole Easteate Reall & personall after My lawful Debts are paid and my funeral Charges paid and my three Children viz two sons & one Daughter is to be Hansomly Brough up to Lawfull age out of my Eastate and allso to pay to My son William ten pounds lawfull mony and to my Daughter Abigill ten pounds Lawfull money & allso to my son James Howard Patterson ten pounds lawfull mony out of my Easteate as the Come of Lawfull Age to be paid to them by my beloved wife Margrett whome I hereby make & ordain My Soul Executrix to this my Last will & testement maid this sixth Day of May 1764

James Patterson (Seal)

Signed Sealled Sealed & Dellv'd In presents of

Mary Brant
James Howard
Jona. Bryant

Probated 12 Ap., 1769. [I, 163-4.]

Source: The Probate Records of Lincoln County, Maine, 1760 to 1800 (Portland, Me.: Printed for the Maine Genealogical Society, 1895), p. 41, citing Lincoln County, Maine, Probate Records.

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