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Lincoln County Probate Records


Will of William Stinson

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In the nam of God Amen this tenth Day of November Anno Domnie one thousand saven Houndred and sixty nine and In the tenth year of his majsteys Rign I William Stinson of Georgetown within the County Lincoln and Province of the Masscutsset Bay In NewEngland yeoman Beanig much Indisposed In Boodey But of Parfet mind and memorey thanks be to God for His Goodness to me Calling to mind the frealety of my Bodey and knowing that It Is apointed for for all men to die do mak this my last will and Testment that Is to Say Prinsably and In the first Plaes I Give and Bequeth my Soul to God that Gave It and my Bodey I Recomend to the Earth to be Buried In a Cristen and Deesent manar at the Discration of my of my Executors nothing Doubting But I Shall Rec It agean at ye Genarell Resurection By the Infinet Powr of God and as to such wordley Goods and Esteat as God heas Bestoed on me In this wordal I Give Demise and Dispose of In the fowling maner and foram Imprimis I give and Bequath to my Beloved Dughter Sarah five Shillings Itam I Bequeth to my Beloved Daughter Jean five Shillings and Six Sheepe

Iatam I Bequath to my Beloved Dughtar Margrat one yok of young oxon of threa years old and five Shillings

Itam I Bequath to my Beloved Daughtar Marcy Six Shillings and Six Sheepe Iatem I Bequath to my Bloved Son John Stinson on Sarten track or pearsell of land on Arowsick Island Butted and Bounded as folloeth viz villes march on the west on the South By Lott No'r ninteen & on the Est by the Back Riverr Beaing part of Lott nomber twintey twintey on & Lott nobr twintey two now In his Posetion I furder Give unto my Son John another Sarten track or Parsell of Land Bounded as folloeth viz Bouned on the Est by villes march on the South By Lot noumber ninteen on the north by Lott nombr twentey one Runing west towards Kenabek River as far as the Senter of the Great Lage on the East Side of the fresh water pond on Arowsick Island the above money Bequethed to Be paid In Six months after my Desses Item I Bequeth unto my Beloved Son James Stinson one milch Cow and Six ponnds Six and Eght Lawfull money to be payd to him out of my Esteat that I Bequeth to my Son William Stinson

Itam I Bequath to my Beloved Daughter Ann twintey Six pounds thirteen Shillins and Eght Penc Lawfull money to be payd unto hir in three years from the Day of my Burell out of my Esteat that I Leave to my Son William Stinson Item I Leave and Bequath to my Beloved wife Elizeabeth Stinson on half of all my Chatels and all my Sheepe not disposed of Befor Lickwise all my houshold furniter my Beeds and Beiden Itam I Bequeth to my Beloved Son John Stinson on Lott of march at a plies Called Bokers point In the Bak River on Arowsick Island which Lott of March Blongs to Lott numbr twintey of up Land un said Island Itam I Bequeth to my Beloved Son William Stinson all the Remeander of my Reall and personall Esteat on aRowsick Island not Disposed of Before viz my Intrist In three Lotts of Land upland viz Lot No twintey twintey one & twintey two with on Lott of march at Bokers point In the Back River Beaing the westermost Lott of two Laieng ther & one half Lott of march In the mill Creek with on half of my Chatels not Disposed of Befor to him his hairs and assigns forEver free as a Esteat of Inherintenc I Bequath and Give unto my said Son William my fishing Sconer now Laieng In Kenbeck River It furder Is my will and plesuer that my Seaid Son William Stinson pay may Daughter Ann the above twintey Six pounds thirteen Shillings 8d willed to her as above out of my Esteat Left to him and all the Depts that I ow It Is my furder will and Plesuer that my Sead Son William Stinson and my Brother John Stinson Esq whom I apoint and ordean my Sole Executors of this my Last will and testment and I do hearbey Disanule and Revok all former wills and tistments or Bequathments By me In Eneys ways mead By me Before this Raetifieing and Confirming this and no other to be my Last will and testmint In witness whereof I have Sett my hand and Sell this tenth Day of November Anno Domina on thousand Saven hundred and Sixtey nine and In the tenth year of his majsteys Rign

William Stinson (Seal)

Charles Snipe
James Drummond
William Sullivan

the fifth sixth seventh and part of the Eght Lines In the Scond page was Rased Befor Singen and Selling this will

Lincoln Sis Georgetown Novmber 10 1769 William Stinson acknowlidg this his Last will and Testment to be his ack and Deed Before me
John Stinson Justies Peaes

Probated 8 Aug., 1770. [I, 177-8.] Inventory by Charles Snipe, Daniel Mcfaden and James Drummond, Jr., all of Georgetown, 29 Oct., 1770, £515 : 7 : 4. [I, 213.]

Source: The Probate Records of Lincoln County, Maine, 1760 to 1800 (Portland, Me.: Printed for the Maine Genealogical Society, 1895), p. 45, citing Lincoln County, Maine, Probate Records.

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