Maine Wills


The Will of George Gray

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 From Maine Court Records (1661-93)

In the name of god Amen

   I George Gray of Barwick in the province of maine in new England being sick and weake of body yet through gods mercyes sound of mind and Memory Doe declare this to be my last

Will and Testament

   Impr I Humbly render my soule to god that gaue it and my body to the Earth by decent buriall

   Itm I bequeath vnto Sarah my loueing wife for her vse and the vse of her famely for ever and alsoe the one halfe of all my lands so long as she shall Continew in her Widdowhood

   Itm I bequeath unto my sone Robert Gray the other halfe of all my lands to receiue them into his own hands at the age of one and twenty yeares and to be & remaine to him and his heires for ever

   Itm It is my Will that my sone George gray, If ever it shall please god to deliver him out of captivity shall haue and Enjoy that halfe of my lands giuen to his mother for the time her Widdowhood or after her Death or Marriage and If my sone George Gray shall not returne from captivity, then I giue the said halfe of my lands to my two sones Alexander Gray & James Gray in equall partnership after the Death or Marriage of their mother

   Itm for my cattell I giue them all to my foresaid wife only my sone Robert to haue the vse of the two oxen when he shall haue occasion of them for his own worke

   Itm I Doe hereby Nominate and appoint my foresd loving Wife Sara Gray to be the sole Executrix of this my last Will and testament for confirmation whereof I the aforesd George Gray haue herevnto set my hand and seale the one & thirtieth Day of March Anno Domini. 1692

Sealed Signed & deliverd
   in the presence of vs
   John Nason
      his marke X
   Abraham Lord
   John Wincoll
   George Gray
his marke (a Seale)
   Probated 30 Aug. 1693; recorded 24 Feby 1693-4; Inventory returned at £53 by Abraham Lord and John Cooper appraisers 25 July 1693.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 40, citing Probate Records (belonging to the sixth volume of Court Records), 0, 5.

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