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Maine Historical Maps

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Results 1 to 17 of 17

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Map NameRepository
1Plan of Columbia and Columbia Falls, Washington County (Maine Land Office Plan Book 26)Digital Maine
2Plan of 50 townships to be sold by lottery lying between the rivers Penobscot & SchoodicLibrary of Congress
3Plan of Columbia in Washington County, 1766 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 26)Digital Maine
4Plan of 25 Townships in the 2nd or middle division of Townships East of Penobscot River in the County of Lincoln, seven of which were surveyed by Jones and Frie in 1768 and bound North on the Grand East and West Line (Maine Land Office Plan Book 1)Digital Maine
5Plan of Townships Between Penobscot and Schoodic Rivers, 1786 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 18A)Digital Maine
6Plan of 40 townships in Washington County and 16 townships in Hancock County, 1792 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 7)Digital Maine
7Plan of Township 13, Columbia Falls (Maine Land Office Plan Book 25)Digital Maine
8Map of the representative districts in the south part of the county of Washington as apportioned in the year 1831 with the number of inhabitants in each town & plantationOsher Map Library
9Topographical map of the county of Washington, Maine, 1861Library of Congress
10No. 18 middle div., No. 19, Columbia, Lot plans of Columbia Falls & part of Centerville (Washington County Atlas, 1881)Digital Maine
11Columbia, Columbia Falls, Village of Columbia Falls & Danforth Village (Washington County Atlas, 1881)Digital Maine
12Washington County (Atlas of the State of Maine, 1884)Digital Maine
13Map of Washington County, Maine (Atlas of the State of Maine, 1885)David Rumsey Map Collection
14Map of Washington County Maine, 1910Osher Map Library
15Historical USGS Maps of Columbia FallsUNH Library
16Washington County - ED 15-1 to ED 15-112 (1940 Census Enumeration Maps)National Archives
17Washington County - ED 15-1 to 106 (1950 Census Enumeration Maps)National Archives

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