Maine Historical Maps

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Results 241 to 260 of 624

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Map NameRepository
241Plan of Township Number Two of the Old Indian Purchase on the east side of Penobscot river as resurveyed and completed A.D. 1830 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 6)Digital Maine
242This Plan represents township No. 4 on the east side of Penobscot river, old Indian Purchase, 1830 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 7)Digital Maine
243Plan of Township No. 7 in the 2nd Range of Townships north of Bingham's Penobscot purchase as surveyed in 1830 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 3B)Digital Maine
244Plan of the southerly part of Township 8 in the second range north of Bingham's Penobscot Purchase (Maine Land Office Plan Book 11)Digital Maine
245This Plan represents the survey of a bluff of land situated in River Township Numbered One, principally surrounded by the water of Cold Stream Pond surveyed in March A.D. 1831 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 11)Digital Maine
246Plan of Township 3 Range 6 WELS, 1831 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 3A)Digital Maine
247Plan of West Half of T3 R8 NWP, 1831 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 3A)Digital Maine
248A Plan of the southerly part of township numbered eight in the second range of townships north of Bingham's Penobscot purchase, 1831 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 6)Digital Maine
249Plan of the west half of number three in the eighth range north of the Waldo patent containing 12,384 acres, 1831 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 3B)Digital Maine
250Plan of the north half of Township 3 in the 6th Range from the East Line of the State (Maine Land Office Plan Book 11)Digital Maine
251Plan of Township 7 in the 6th Range west from the East line of the State (Maine Land Office Plan Book 11)Digital Maine
252Plan of Township 8, Range 7 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 11)Digital Maine
253Plan of Bradley, Township 4 Old Indian Purchase (Maine Land Office Plan Book 11)Digital Maine
254Plan of Township 4 Range 1 NBPP (Maine Land Office Plan Book 11)Digital Maine
255This plan represents the location of a Road, laid out from the Military road to the Aroostook River... (Maine Land Office Plan Book 14)Digital Maine
256A Plan of Township numbered Four in the sixth range west of the Monument (Patten) (Maine Land Office Plan Book 14)Digital Maine
257This plan represents thirteen townships of land, the joint property of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and State of Maine (Penobscot and Piscataquis counties) (Maine Land Office Plan Book 14)Digital Maine
258Plan of the North Half of Township 3 Range 6 WELS (Maine Land Office Plan Book 18)Digital Maine
259Plan of Township 5, Range 6 WELS (Maine Land Office Plan Book 18)Digital Maine
260Plan of meadow lots in Township 4 Old Indian Purchase east side of Penobscot River (1832) (Maine Land Office Plan Book 24)Digital Maine

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