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Maine Historical Maps

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Map NameRepository
1Map of the State of Maine with the Province of New Brunswick, Southern Section, 3rd Edition (Moses Greenleaf Maps)Digital Maine
2Plan of Passadumkeag and Lowell (Maine Land Office Plan Book 1)Digital Maine
3A Plan of Township No. 5 in the 7th Range of Townships West from East line of the State of Maine (Maine Land Office Plan Book 1)Digital Maine
4A plan of Township numbered four, sixth range west of the Monument (Maine Land Office Plan Book 1)Digital Maine
5Plan of [Old Town] (Maine Land Office Plan Book 1)Digital Maine
6Plan of lands north of the Bingham lands or Lottery lands (Maine Land Office Plan Book 1)Digital Maine
7Plan of Burlington, Township 2, 1st Range North of Bingham's Penobscot Purchase (Maine Land Office Plan Book 11)Digital Maine
8Plan of Township 5 Range 6 WELS (Maine Land Office Plan Book 11)Digital Maine
9Plan of Township 6 Range 8 WELS (Maine Land Office Plan Book 11)Digital Maine
10Plan of Enfield, River Township 1 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 11)Digital Maine
11Plan of the Town of Bangor (Maine Land Office Plan Book 11)Digital Maine
12Plan of Lincoln, River Township 2 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 11)Digital Maine
13Plan of Township 1 in the Eighth Range North of the Waldo Patent (Chester) (Maine Land Office Plan Book 11)Digital Maine
14Plan of Township No. 1 East of the Penobscot River (Maine Land Office Plan Book 14)Digital Maine
15Plan of the West Branch of Penobscot River copied from a drawing made by Col. Lewis; also the East Line of a part of the upper Townships reserved for the Penobscot Indians as surveyed ... 18th August 1818 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 2)Digital Maine
16Plan of 23 townships in Piscataquis County (Maine Land Office Plan Book 2)Digital Maine
17Plan of Newburgh (Maine Land Office Plan Book 24)Digital Maine
18Plan of Public Lots in Township 3 Range 8 NWP (Maine Land Office Plan Book 24)Digital Maine
19Plan of thirty townships in Penobscot County (Maine Land Office Plan Book 24)Digital Maine
20Plan of the west half of Township 4 Range 1 Penobscot County north of Bingham's Purchase exhibiting the location of the public lots in said half township (Maine Land Office Plan Book 24)Digital Maine

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