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Bangor, Penobscot County

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Penobscot County (set off from Lincoln County to Hancock County in 1789, to Penobscot County in 1816)


1769 as Kenduskeag Plantation



Incorporated as a City


Previous Designations

Township No. 1, Second Range North of Waldo Patent (T1 R2 NWP); Kenduskeag (Kenderquit, Conduskeag, Kadesquit, Kundskee, etc.); Settlement at Kenduskeag Stream, Sunbury (proposed name)

Boundary Changes

Veazie was set off in 1853, and part of that town was reannexed in 1889

Villages, Locations and Settlements

Bangor, East Bangor, North Bangor, North Bangor Station, Six Mile Falls, Stillwater Avenue, West Bangor

Adjacent Towns and Townships

Brewer, Glenburn, Hampden, Hermon, Orono, Veazie


Maine Historical Maps: Bangor


Mt. Hope Cemetery - Bangor, Maine

Mt. Pleasant Cemetery (Maine Catholic Cemetery Committee's online database

Census Records

1837 Maine Surplus Revenue Census

Church Records

Members of the First Congregational Church of Bangor, 1811-1856


Bangor, Maine City Directories, 1882-92 []

Military Records

War of 1812 Parolees from Bangor

World War I Soldiers Index: Bangor


Bangor Daily News

Bangor Daily Whig and Courier - 1832-1900 []

Bangor Daily News - 1900-2011 []

Maine Obituaries: Bangor Daily News

Maine Newspapers at Internet Archive — Search the Bangor Daily Whig and Courier (1837-1900)

Bangor Daily News (1970-2007) — at Google News Archive

Vital Records

Marriages in Bangor, 1796-1814

Bangor Marriages, 1811-1832

Bangor Marriage Intentions, 1806-1810

Bangor Marriage Intentions, 1821-1827

Deaths in Bangor, 1777-1849

Deaths in Bangor, 1804-1837

Miscellaneous Resources

Heads of Family on Penobscot River, 1776

Names From Major Robert Treat's Day Book, Bangor, 1786-90

Maine Town Reports: Bangor

General Resources

FamilySearch Catalog: Bangor, Penobscot, Maine

Official Website: City of Bangor

Bangor Historical Society

Maine Memory Network: Bangor

Bangor Public Library Digital Commons — Includes digitized books, images, high school yearbooks and more


______, The Bangor directory (1834): containing the names of the inhabitants, their occupations, places of business, and dwelling houses, and the city register, with lists of the wharves, the city officers, public officers, banks and societies, and other information (Bangor, Me.: S.S. Smith, 1834)

______, The Bangor Directory, 1859-60 (Bangor, Me.: Samuel S. Smith, 1859)

______, The centennial celebration of the settlement of Bangor, September 30, 1869 (Bangor Me.: B.A. Burr, printer, 1870)

______, Bangor, Maine. Interesting facts briefly told (Bangor, Me.: C.H. Glass, printers, 1906)

______, 1919 Directory of Bangor and Brewer (Bangor, Me.: Cannon & Co., 1919)

______, Voices from the past: Bangor, the first hundred years, 1834-1978 (Bangor, Me.: Juniper Press, 1978)

______, Proceedings of the Bangor Historical Society, 1914-1915 (Bangor, Me., 1916)

Albans, Constantine, et al., Bygone Bangor: a compilation of thirteen stories (Bangor, Me.: Bangor Daily News, 1976)

Bacon, George Fox, Bangor: its points of interest and its representative business men; including an historical sketch of Brewer (Newark, N.J.: Glenwood Publishing Company, 1891)

Berlin, Marc, et al., The story of Bangor: a brief history of Maine's queen city (Bangor, Me.: BookMarc's Publishing, 1999)

Chenard, Robert E., comp., Marriages of St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Old Town, Maine (1860-1960): including 1836-1892 Franco-American marriages recorded in the civil registers of Bangor, Bradley, Brewer, Old Town, and Orono and death records of St. Joseph to 1946 ([Waterville, Me.?: R.E. Chenard, 1993?])

Field, George W., Fiftieth anniversary of the Central Congregational Church: historical address (Bangor, Me.: Press of the Industrial Journal, 1897)

Paine, Albert Ware, "The territorial history of Bangor and Vicinity," Collections of the Maine Historical Society, First Series, Vol. 9 (Portland, Me., 1887)

Porter, Joseph W., ed., The Bangor historical magazine: later the Maine Historical magazine, 1885-1894 (Rockport, Me.: Picton Press, 1993)

Swett, David Livingston, Bangor First Church: history of the First United Methodist Church of Bangor, Maine from the first visit of Jesse Lee in 1793 through 1976 ([s.l., 1976])

Thomas, Michelle E., Vital Records of Bangor, Maine Vol. 1: Birth Records (Rockport, Me.: Picton Press, 2002)

Vickery, James B., ed., An illustrated history of the city of Bangor, Maine, formerly the plantation of Conduskeag or Kenduskeag in ye country of Arcadia on the river named Penobscot, containing narratives of ye ancient sites and persons ([s.l.: s.n., 1976] (Bangor, Me: Bangor Bi-cenntennial Committee))

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