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Maine Places

Resource Guide

Brookton Township, Washington County

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Washington County (set off from Lincoln County in 1789)


1840 as Plantation No. 9, Third Range NBPP for election purposes, its bounds including the settlement in No. 11 at Lambert's Lake


1851 as Jackson Brook Plantation


1883 as the town of Brookton; incorporation repealed in 1941

Previous Designations

Township No. 9, Third Range North of Bingham's Penobscot Purchase (T9 R3 NBPP)

Villages, Locations and Settlements

Brookton, Kinney Nation

Adjacent Towns and Townships

Danforth, Forest Township, T8 R3 NBPP, Topsfield


Maine Historical Maps: Brookton Township

Census Records

1837 Maine Surplus Revenue Census

Military Records

World War I Soldiers Index: Brookton

General Resources

FamilySearch Catalog: Brookton, Washington, Maine

Maine Memory Network: Jackson Brook

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