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Resource Guide

Drew Plantation, Penobscot County

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Penobscot County (set off from Lincoln County to Hancock County in 1789, to Penobscot County in 1816)


1856 as Drew Plantation; organization legalized in 1868


1921 as the town of Drew; organization surrendered in 1934


1934 as Drew Plantation

Previous Designations

Township No. 7, Fourth Range North of Bingham's Penobscot Purchase (T7 R4 NBPP)

Boundary Changes

Land was set off to Prentiss Township (then the town of Prentiss) in 1869

Land was set off to Reed (now Reed Plantation) in 1889, and part of that plantation was annexed in 1903

Villages, Locations and Settlements

Meadow Brook (former railroad station), Upper Drew

Adjacent Towns and Townships

Kingman Township, Macwahoc Plantation, Prentiss Township, Reed Plantation, T8 R4 NBPP


Maine Historical Maps: Drew Plantation

Census Records

1837 Maine Surplus Revenue Census

Military Records

World War I Soldiers Index: Drew Plantation

General Resources

FamilySearch Catalog: Drew Plantation, Penobscot, Maine


Parsons, Eleanor Currie, A town called Drew & beyond (Rockport, Mass: Sandy Bay Historical Society and Museums, 2003)

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