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Maine Places

Resource Guide

Jonesport, Washington County

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Washington County (set off from Lincoln County in 1789)


1832 from part of Jonesboro

Previous Designations

There was a settlement at Mispecka (Mispecky, Moosepeck, Moose Peck, etc.) at the time of the Revolutionary War, presumably in the vicinity of Moosabec Reach in this town; Jones' Port

Boundary Changes

Part was set off to form Beals in 1925

Prominent Islands

Dunn Island, Great Spruce Island, Halifax Island, Head Harbor Island, Mark Island, Roque Island, Steels Harbor Island

Villages, Locations and Settlements

Indian River, Jonesport, Kelleys Point, Masons Bay, Monsapec (former post office), Peasley Corner, Sealand, West Jonesport

Adjacent Towns and Townships

Addison, Beals, Jonesboro, Roque Bluffs


Maine Historical Maps: Jonesport

Vital Records

Downeast Genealogy: Jonesport Marriage Records

Miscellaneous Resources

Maine Town Reports: Jonesport

Digital Maine: Jonesport Books

Military Records

World War I Soldiers Index: Jonesport

General Resources

FamilySearch Catalog: Jonesport, Washington, Maine

Official Website: Town of Jonesport

Maine Memory Network: Jonesport


______, Jonesport: a group of historical sketches written in honor of the Centennial (Machias, [Me.]: Teague Publishing Co., [1932?])

American History Department of Jonesport-Beals High School, A pictorial history of the town of Jonesport, Maine (Calais, Maine: Advertiser Publishing Company, 1970)

Bacon, George F., Calais, Eastport and vicinity, their representative business men, and points of interest: embracing Calais, Eastport, Machias, Machiasport, Milltown, Jonesport, Princeton, Millbridge, Cherryfield and Lubec (Newark, N.J.: Glenwood Pub. Co., c1892)

Limeburner, Grace M. Grindle, The folks of Stuben [sic] Johnsboro [sic] Jonesport and nearby towns (North Brooksville, Me.: G. Limeburner, [1951-1953?])

Mitchell, Harry Edward, et al., comp., The Jonesport register, 1905 (Brunswick, Me., 1905)

Monks, John Peabody, Roque Island; A paper given before the Colonial Society of Massachusetts on 22 December 1955 ([s.l.: s.n.], 1955)

Tibbetts, Leonard F., and Darryl B. Lamson, Early families of Jonesport, Maine (Brewer, Me.: Cay-Bel Pub., 1985)

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