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Maine Places

Resource Guide

Passadumkeag, Penobscot County

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Penobscot County (set off from Lincoln County to Hancock County in 1789, to Penobscot County in 1816)



Previous Designations

Township No. 1 Old Indian Purchase, East of Penobscot River (T1 OIP EPR); Lower East Indian Township No. 1

Boundary Changes

Land was set off to Lowell in 1842

Villages, Locations and Settlements

Passadumkeag, Passadumkeag Point (former post office at Passadumkeag)

Adjacent Towns and Townships

Edinburg, Enfield, Lowell, Greenbush, Summit Township


Maine Historical Maps: Passadumkeag

Census Records

Census of Passadumkeag, 1835

1837 Maine Surplus Revenue Census

Military Records

World War I Soldiers Index: Passadumkeag

General Resources

FamilySearch Catalog: Passadumkeag, Penobscot, Maine


Marquis, Lillian, comp., Mirror into the past: town of Passadumkeag, Maine sesquicentennial 1835-1985 ([S.l.: s.n.], [198-?])

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