Legislative Index: An Act authorizing the further extension of the European and North American Railway
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Description: | An Act authorizing the further extension of the European and North American Railway |
Subjects: | Augusta Petition Signers; Bangor Petition Signers; Came, Isaac L. and others; Comstock, A. J. and others; Crosby, J. and others; Dale. L. H. and others; Danforth, H. W. and others; Dexter Petition Signers; Egery, Thomas N. and others; Fish, Benjamin N. and others; Grant, Ira C. and others; Hill, Henry and others; Jewett, G. K. ; Johnson, William T. and others; LaGrange Petition Signers; Libbey, Samuel and others; Lincoln Petition Signers; Linneus Petition Signers; Lord, Daniel and others; Lowell Petition Signers; Mattawamkeag Petition Signers; Medway Petition Signers; Orono Petition Signers; Passadumkeag Petition Signers; Patten Petition Signers; Poor, John A.; Portland Petition Signers; Rich, Sylvanus and others; Scott, W. M. and others; Scribner, A. and others; Sherman Petition Signers; Smith, Asa and others; Ward, Stephen E. and others; Ware, John and others; Waterville Petition Signers |
Year: | 1864 |
Type: | PS |
Reference Code: | 389-38 |
 | To order a copy of this record, contact the Maine State Archives An updated and expanded legislative index is now available as part of the Maine State Archives Catalog. |
Source citation: "Maine Legislative Index, 1820-1855, 1861-1865," database, Maine Genealogy (https://www.mainegenealogy.net/legislative_record.asp?id=54210 : accessed 15 February 2025), entry for An Act authorizing the further extension of the European and North American Railway, 1864, citing Legislature and Legislature 61-65 databases, Maine State Archives.
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