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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 251 to 275 of 570

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251Academies, Schools and CollegesAn Act to incorporate the Proprietors of Oxford Normal Institute at South Paris1849
252Academies, Schools and CollegesReport on the Petition of the Selectmen of Dedham that the State would grant the Inhabitants of said Town, a lot of land1849
253Academies, Schools and CollegesReport on a Resolve in favor of Anson Academy1849
254Academies, Schools and CollegesAn Act in relation to the sale of the timber lands appropriated for the benefit of education1849
255Academies, Schools and CollegesReport on the Petition of Stephen Allen and Henry P. Torsey in behalf of the Trustees of the Maine Wesleyan Seminary, for aid in purchasing chemical apparatus1849
256Academies, Schools and CollegesAn Act to incorporate the Trustees of the Bucksport Seminary1849
257Academies, Schools and CollegesAn Act to incorporate the Bucksport Seminary1849
258Academies, Schools and CollegesReport on the Petition of Calvin Porter and others for an alteration or amendment of the 17th Chapter of the Revised Statutes in relation to school houses1849
259Academies, Schools and CollegesResolve in favor of Monson Academy1849
260Academies, Schools and CollegesAn Act for the benefit of schools in Plantations organized for election purposes only1849
261Academies, Schools and CollegesAn Act to amend an Act establishing teachers institutes1849
262Academies, Schools and CollegesReport on the Petition of John Allen and others that they may be incorporated as the Trustees of Presque Isle Academy1850
263Academies, Schools and CollegesResolve for the erection and establishment of a State Reform School1850
264Academies, Schools and CollegesResolve providing for the collection of statistics in relation to the several colleges and academies in this State1850
265Academies, Schools and CollegesResolve in favor of Calais Academy (No Petition)1850
266Academies, Schools and CollegesResolve providing for the publication of the school laws1850
267Academies, Schools and CollegesAn Act to incorporate the Trustees of the East Maine Conference Seminary1850
268Academies, Schools and CollegesReport on the Petition of William Pratt and others that the Town of Hebron be incorporated into a school district1850
269Academies, Schools and CollegesReport of the Trustees of Waterville College for aid1850
270Academies, Schools and CollegesResolve in favor of Hancock and Madawaska Plantations1850
271Academies, Schools and CollegesAn Act to change the name of the Lincoln High School1850
272Academies, Schools and CollegesReport on the Petition of G. W. Eveleth relative to the Maine Medical School at Brunswick1850
273Academies, Schools and CollegesResolve in favor of Litchfield Liberal Institute1850
274Academies, Schools and CollegesAn Act to incorporate the Trustees of Lebanon Academy1850
275Academies, Schools and CollegesResolve in favor of Fryeburg Academy1850

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