Search Results
Results 251 to 275 of 570
Subject | Description | Year | |
251 | Academies, Schools and Colleges | An Act to incorporate the Proprietors of Oxford Normal Institute at South Paris | 1849 |
252 | Academies, Schools and Colleges | Report on the Petition of the Selectmen of Dedham that the State would grant the Inhabitants of said Town, a lot of land | 1849 |
253 | Academies, Schools and Colleges | Report on a Resolve in favor of Anson Academy | 1849 |
254 | Academies, Schools and Colleges | An Act in relation to the sale of the timber lands appropriated for the benefit of education | 1849 |
255 | Academies, Schools and Colleges | Report on the Petition of Stephen Allen and Henry P. Torsey in behalf of the Trustees of the Maine Wesleyan Seminary, for aid in purchasing chemical apparatus | 1849 |
256 | Academies, Schools and Colleges | An Act to incorporate the Trustees of the Bucksport Seminary | 1849 |
257 | Academies, Schools and Colleges | An Act to incorporate the Bucksport Seminary | 1849 |
258 | Academies, Schools and Colleges | Report on the Petition of Calvin Porter and others for an alteration or amendment of the 17th Chapter of the Revised Statutes in relation to school houses | 1849 |
259 | Academies, Schools and Colleges | Resolve in favor of Monson Academy | 1849 |
260 | Academies, Schools and Colleges | An Act for the benefit of schools in Plantations organized for election purposes only | 1849 |
261 | Academies, Schools and Colleges | An Act to amend an Act establishing teachers institutes | 1849 |
262 | Academies, Schools and Colleges | Report on the Petition of John Allen and others that they may be incorporated as the Trustees of Presque Isle Academy | 1850 |
263 | Academies, Schools and Colleges | Resolve for the erection and establishment of a State Reform School | 1850 |
264 | Academies, Schools and Colleges | Resolve providing for the collection of statistics in relation to the several colleges and academies in this State | 1850 |
265 | Academies, Schools and Colleges | Resolve in favor of Calais Academy (No Petition) | 1850 |
266 | Academies, Schools and Colleges | Resolve providing for the publication of the school laws | 1850 |
267 | Academies, Schools and Colleges | An Act to incorporate the Trustees of the East Maine Conference Seminary | 1850 |
268 | Academies, Schools and Colleges | Report on the Petition of William Pratt and others that the Town of Hebron be incorporated into a school district | 1850 |
269 | Academies, Schools and Colleges | Report of the Trustees of Waterville College for aid | 1850 |
270 | Academies, Schools and Colleges | Resolve in favor of Hancock and Madawaska Plantations | 1850 |
271 | Academies, Schools and Colleges | An Act to change the name of the Lincoln High School | 1850 |
272 | Academies, Schools and Colleges | Report on the Petition of G. W. Eveleth relative to the Maine Medical School at Brunswick | 1850 |
273 | Academies, Schools and Colleges | Resolve in favor of Litchfield Liberal Institute | 1850 |
274 | Academies, Schools and Colleges | An Act to incorporate the Trustees of Lebanon Academy | 1850 |
275 | Academies, Schools and Colleges | Resolve in favor of Fryeburg Academy | 1850 |
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