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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Report on the Petition for a new county in the Northern District of Washington County to be called Aroostook County with Houlton the Shiretown1838
211th Maine InfantryResolve in favor of Eliza C. Prouty of Township 2 Range 3 WELS in Aroostook County1864
3Academies, Schools and CollegesResolve making an appropriation for the support of schoos at Fort Kent in Aroostook County1854
4Agricultural SocietiesAn Act to incorporate the Aroostook County Society for improvements of horses and stock1862
5Aroostook CountyReport on the Order of Dennis Fairbanks and others relative to settlement on the public lands in Aroostook County1841
6Aroostook CountyReport on the Order relative to setting off Townships 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the 5th, Range from Aroostook County and annexing the same to Penobscot County1842
7Aroostook CountyReport on the Order in relation to taking the 6th and 7th, Ranges of Townships WELS from Penobscot County to Aroostook County and taking the 8th, Range of said Townships from Penobscot County and annexing the same to Piscataquis County1842
8Aroostook CountyReport on an Act to set off a part of Penobscot County and annex the same to Aroostook County1842
9Aroostook CountyReport on the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Madawaska Settlement embraced within the limits of Piscatiquis and Penobscot Counties, to be annexd to Aroostook County1843
10Aroostook CountyAn Act setting off the Northerly part of Penobscot County and annexing the same to the County of Aroostook1843
11Aroostook CountyAn Act altering the division lines between the Counties of Hancock and Washington; and between Penobscot and Washington; Penobscot, Piscataquis and Aroostook; and between Piscataquis and Somerset1844
12Aroostook CountyReport on the Petition of Samuel Harvey for redress on account of the default of Eleazer Packard as Sheriff of Aroostook County1847
13Aroostook CountyAn Act for the protection of certain roads1852
14Aroostook CountyAn Act to make valid the doings of Plantation 11 in the County of Aroostook, at their meeting holden in April 18541854
15Aroostook CountyReport on a bill to incorporate a new county from Penobscot and Aroostook Counties, with Lincoln as shiretown1861
16Aroostook CountyReport on the petition of W.S. Gilman for a grant of land in Aroostook County1863
17Aroostook County BarReport on a bill to increase the salaries of the Supreme Judicial Court Judges1861
18Aroostook County CavalryReport on a Petition of John V. Putnam and others relative to a Resolve in favor of the Company of Cavalry of Aroostook County (Petition has 49 signatures)1842
19Aroostook County CommissionersResolve authorizing the County Commissioners of Aroostook County to hire money for and on the faith of said County1842
20Aroostook County Commissioners CourtAn Act to fix the time of holding the Courts of County Commissioners of the County of Aroostook (SS)1842
21Aroostook County Military RoadResolve in aid of the military road in the County of Aroostook1862
22Aroostook County MilitiaReport on the Petition of James A. Drew and others, Inhabitants of Aroostook County, for a supply of arms and equipment for the militia of said County1841
23Aroostook County Petition SignersReport on the Petition of William Lovely and others, Inhabitants of Aroostook, that they receive their proportion of the Surplus Revenue1841
24Aroostook County Petition SignersReport on the Petitions of True Bradbury and others that the Act establishing the County of Aroostook may be repealed1841
25Aroostook County Petition SignersReport on a Resolve authorizing the Land Agent to exchange certain lands belonging to the State of Maine for lands belonging to the State of Massachusetts1843

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