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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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76Deeds, Registry ofAn Act to establish a Registry of Deeds and one term yearly of the Court of Probate in the Northern District of Aroostook County1845
77Deeds, Registry of, Aroostook CountyReport on the Petition of James Keegan and others for an additional Registry of Deeds in Aroostook County1845
78Dingee, Avard A.Report on the petition of Avard A. Dingee to be allowed to buy Lot 72 in Township 12, Range 4, Aroostook County1863
79District Court, Aroostook CountyAn Act abolishing the February term of the District Court in the County of Aroostook1849
80Drew, James A. and othersReport on the Petition of James A. Drew and others, Inhabitants of Aroostook County, for a supply of arms and equipment for the militia of said County1841
81Fairbanks, Dennis and othersReport on the Order of Dennis Fairbanks and others relative to settlement on the public lands in Aroostook County1841
82Fairbrother, John B. and othersReport on the Petition of James S. Mitchell and others that the fifth range of townships in Aroostook County may be set off to Penobscot County and the remonstrance of John B. Fairbrother and others1841
83Flanery, Thomas and othersResolve in favor of David Weston for a deed to land in Plymouth Township, Aroostook County1863
84Fort KentResolve making an appropriation for the support of schoos at Fort Kent in Aroostook County1854
85Gillmore, Louisa A. and othersResolve making an appropriation for the support of schoos at Fort Kent in Aroostook County1854
86Gilman, W. S. Report on the petition of W.S. Gilman for a grant of land in Aroostook County1863
87Gooch, SamuelReport on the Petition of Samuel Gooch for an increase of salary as Register of Probate for Aroostook County1843
88Harvey, SamuelReport on the Petition of Samuel Harvey for redress on account of the default of Eleazer Packard as Sheriff of Aroostook County1847
89Horses, Improvement of stockAn Act to incorporate the Aroostook County Society for improvements of horses and stock1862
90HoultonReport on a Petition of John V. Putnam and others relative to a Resolve in favor of the Company of Cavalry of Aroostook County (Petition has 49 signatures)1842
91Judge of Probate, Aroostook CountyAn Act to increase the salary of the Judge and Register of Probate for the County of Aroostook1865
92Keegan, James and othersReport on the Petition of James Keegan and others for an additional Registry of Deeds in Aroostook County1845
93Land AgentResolve in relation to Township 14 Range 04 in Aroostook County for deeds to the settlers by the Land Agent1861
94Land DeedsResolve in favor of David Weston for a deed to land in Plymouth Township, Aroostook County1863
95Land Grant, Aroostook CountyResolve in favor of Standish Academy1849
96Land Grant, Aroostook CountyResolve in favor of Litchfield Academy1849
97Land Grant, Aroostook CountyResolve in favor of the Trustees of Somerset Academy1849
98Land GrantsReport on the petition of W.S. Gilman for a grant of land in Aroostook County1863
99Land GrantsResolve in favor of Margaret M. Darling for a lot of land in Township 6 Range 5, Aroostook County1863
100LoanResolve authorizing the Treasurer of Aroostook County to borrow money1848

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