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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 501 to 525 of 538

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501Transportation: Roads, Highways and TurnpikesReport on the petition of Joseph Sturdevant & others for the Cumberland County Commissioners to lay a new road & build a bridge near Martin's Point ..1862
502Transportation: Roads, Highways and TurnpikesReport on the petition of the Penobscot County Commissioners for an Act to make valid the location of a road in Howland1862
503Transportation: Roads, Highways and TurnpikesAn Act authorizing the County Commissioners of Washington County to lay out and establish in East Machias a county road over tide waters1865
504Turner, Cornelius and othersReport on the Petition that the Lincoln County Commissioners may have the authority to lay out a road across the tide waters of the Sheepscot River, and the remonstrance of John Hussey and others1833
505Turner, Cornelius and othersReport on the Petition that the County Commissioners of Lincoln County may be authorized to lay out a road over tide water1834
506Unincorporated TownshipsReport on an Order relative to authorizing County Commissioners to assess a yearly tax for the repair of highways in unincorporated places1848
507Vaughn's BridgeAn Act to authorize the County Commissioners of Cumberland County to locate a highway across Fore River, in said County and remonstrance of Clement Jordan and others1854
508Veasey, Joseph and othersReport on the Petition of Joseph Veasey and others that an Act may be passed giving the right of appeal to a jury from the decision of County Commissioners in the location and establishment of roads1845
509VinalhavenReport on the Petition of Thaddeus Roberts and others that the Waldo County Commissioners be empowered to lay out a road over the tide waters of Carver`s Mill Stream in Vinalhaven and the remonstrance of a Committee of Vinalhaven1842
510VinalhavenReport on the Petition of Watson H. Vinal and others of Vinalhaven and North Haven for short sessions of the Legislature and to abolish the County Commissioners Courts1853
511Waldo County CommissionersReport on the Petition of Daniel Long and others that if the Petition of John McFarland is granted, the law may be so liberal as to extend to all those similarly situated, over whose land said road passes1841
512Waldo County CommissionersReport on the Petition of Bickford C. Matthews that the Waldo County Commissioners be invested with certain authority1841
513Waldo County CommissionersReport on the Petition of Thaddeus Roberts and others that the Waldo County Commissioners be empowered to lay out a road over the tide waters of Carver`s Mill Stream in Vinalhaven and the remonstrance of a Committee of Vinalhaven1842
514Waldo County CommissionersAn Act to authorize the County Commissioners of Waldo County to lay out a road over Lowder's Creek1845
515Waldo County CommissionersResolve for the relief of Bickford C. Mathews1848
516Waldo County CommissionersSee County Commissioners, Waldo County
517Waldo County CommissionersSee County Commissioners, Waldo County
518Waldron, A. P. and othersAn Act giving to the County Commissioners of Cumberland County further powers in relation to Portland Bridge1853
519Walker, Benjamin and othersReport on the Petition of Simeon Allen and others for an Act authorizing the County Commissioners of Hancock County to lay out a road across tide waters at Davis Narrows, so called and remonstrance of Benjamin Walker and others1852
520Washington County CommissionersAn Act authorizing the County Commissioners of Washington County to lay out a road over tide waters1847
521Washington County CommissionersAn Act changing the time of meeting of the Washington County Commissioners1848
522Washington County CommissionersResolve authorizing the County of Washington to procure a loan1854
523Washington County CommissionersA bill for a law to be passed increasing the pay of the County Commissioners of Washington County1864
524Washington County CommissionersAn Act authorizing the County Commissioners of Washington County to lay out and establish in East Machias a county road over tide waters1865
525Washington County CommissionersSee County Commissioners, Washington County

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