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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Report on an Order relative to, to Ferries1840
2County CommissionersAn Act in relation to Ferries1842
3County CommissionersReport on an Order relative to the authority of the County Commissioners to locate toll houses for ferries and bridges1850
4Davis, Moses, Jr.Petition of, for a law to require people to use ferries instead of their own boats near ferry crossings1821
5FerriesReport on the order to repeal an Act additional to an Act regulating1827
6FerriesSee Patten, Amos and others 1828 GY 52-37
7FerriesReport on the Order relative to authroizing Courts of Sessions to direct what boats shall be used as, and how they shall be propelled1829
8FerriesAn additional Act for regulating1830
9FerriesAn Act to prevent obstructions to1833
10FerriesOrder relative to repealing the first section of an Act entitled an additional Act for regulating, passed March 6, 18301835
11FerriesReport on an Order relative to the repeal of an Act relating to ferries passed March 14, 1842.1843
12FerriesReport on a Joint Order relative to the Kennebec Ferry Company1843
13FerriesReport on the Petition of Hannibal Longfellow for additional provisions and restrictions of the Hallowell Horse Ferry1843
14FerriesReport on the Petition of Henry and James C. Tallman for an alteration in the Charter of the Sagadahock Ferry Company1843
15FerriesReport on the Petition of Joseph Northey and others for an Act of incorporation to establish a Ferry between Gardiner and Pittston and remonstrance of William Cooper and others1843
16FerriesReport on the Petition of John Balch and others that the Charter of the Sagadahoc Ferry Company may be repealed1846
17FerriesCommunication from the Penobscot County Commissioners relative to a Charter for a Steam or Horse Power Ferry from Bangor to Brewer1846
18FerriesAn Act to incorporate the Portland and Cape Elizabeth Ferry Company1847
19FerriesReport on an Act in addition to the 22nd Chapter of the Revised Statutes1848
20FerriesReport on the Petition of Nathaniel Jones and others to incorporate a horse ferry boat at Piscataquis Ferry and remonstrance of James Merrill and others1848
21FerriesReport on the Order relative to repealing an Act in relation to ferries, approved March 14, 18421850
22FerriesAn Act to incorporate the Cobscook Ferry Company1850
23FerriesAn Act to incorporate the Nahumkeag Ferry Company1852
24FerriesReport on the Petition of George Williamson and others for an Act of incorporation to run a ferry between Gardiner and Pittston and remonstrance of W. Benjamin and others1852
25FerriesAn Act to incorporate the Bangor and Brewer Ferry Company and remonstrances of Franklin Adams and others1853

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