Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 426 to 450 of 682

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426Lincoln, Theodore, Junior, and othersAn Act to incorporate the Proprietors of Dennysville Academy1845
427Lincoln, Thompson and othersAn Act authorizing the Proprietors of the First Parish Meeting House in Perry to sell their parsonage and invest the proceeds1865
428Lincoln, Thompson from Joshua T. LincolnAn Act to change the names of certain persons1849
429Lincoln, Willard and othersReport on a bill to amend the Constitution as to oblige Quakers and Shakers to do military duty1862
430LincolnvillePetition for a certain amount of money from the State Treasury to be paid to the Town Treasurers' Office1823
431LincolnvilleReport on the Petition of Robert Davis and others that the bridge on Duck Trap Stream may be made a free bridge1841
432LincolnvilleReport on the Petition of Amos Pitcher and others that a part of Lincolnville may be set off and annexed to the Town of Northport and the remonstrance of William Shepherd and others1841
433LincolnvilleReport relative to altering the tolls on Ducktrap Bridge1842
434LincolnvilleAn Act authorizing the laying out of a County Road across the Duck Trap Stream in the Town of Lincolnville1845
435LincolnvilleReport on the Petition of Joseph Miller and others that a fishway may be constructed in Ducktrap Stream and remonstrance of David Howe and others1845
436LincolnvilleReport on the Petition of Joseph Miller and others for alteration in school laws1850
437Lincolnville Centre Free Meetinghouse SocietyReport on the Petition of Nathan Knight and others that they may be incorporated into a body by the name of the Lincolnville Centre Free Meeting House Society1846
438Lincolnville Petition SignersSee Waldo County 1827 PL 45-31
439Lincolnville Petition SignersSee Lime and Lime Casks 1829 GY 58-4
440Lincolnville Petition SignersSee Penobscot River and Bay Fish Preservation 1833 PS 97-105
441Lincolnville Petition SignersSee Pickerel 1834 PL 106-110
442Lincolnville Petition SignersAn Act to construct fishways and remove obstructions in Ducktrap Stream and remonstrance of David P. Andrews and others1847
443Lincolnville Petition SignersAn Act to regulate the sale of oats1852
444Lincolnville Petition SignersAn Act regulating the suffrage of naturalized citizens1855
445Lincolnville Petition SignersAn Act to make valid the doings of Cities, Towns and Plantations relating to bounties for soldiers, drafted men and substitutes1865
446Lincolnville SelectmenReport on the Petition of Gideon Young and others for reduction or correction of their State Valuation1843
447Lincolnville SelectmenResolves providing for an amendment to the Constitution in relation to the meeting of the Legislature1849
448Lincolnville Steam Boat Wharf CompanyAn Act to incorporate the Lincolnville Steam Boat Wharf Company (No Petition)1855
449Lincolnville Toll BridgeAn Act regarding1821
450Lincolnville Town OfficersAn Act relating to certain Town Officers in the Town of Lincolnville (SS)1842

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