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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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101Porter Ministerial FundReport on the Petition of the Inhabitants that their ministerial funds may be appropriated to primary schools1834
102Porter Primary SchoolsSee Porter Ministerial Fund 1834 GY 87-3
103RaymondAn Act to establish a ministerial fund for the Town of1822
104Religious SocietiesReport on the Order in relation to repealing or amending so much of the 49th Chapter of the Revised Statutes as relates to taxation of ministerial funds held by religious societies1849
105Ricker, Moses and othersReport on the Petition of Levi Johnson and others that the ministerial fund in Canaan may be changed into a school fund and the remonstrance of Moses Ricker and others1841
106Rumford Ministerial FundsAn Act authorizing the distribution of the1834
107Sanford Congregational ParishAn Act additional to an Act entitled an Act to establish a ministerial fund in the Congregational Parish in the Town of Sanford, in the County of York, passed February 12, 18241853
108Sanford Congregational SocietyAn Act to establish a ministerial fund in the1824
109School FundsReport on the Petition of Levi Johnson and others that the ministerial fund in Canaan may be changed into a school fund and the remonstrance of Moses Ricker and others1841
110School FundsReport on the Petition of the Selectmen of Castine for an Act converting the ministerial fund of said Town into a school fund and remonstrance of William Witherle and others1849
111SchoolsSee Berwick Ministerial Fund 1832 GY 75-30
112Schools, PrimarySee Porter Ministerial Fund 1834 GY 87-3
113Schools, PrimaryReport on the Order relative to Ministerial Funds1844
114Second Parish in CamdenReport on the Petition of Robert Chase and others for a change in the law relating to the Ministerial Fund in the Second Parish in Camden1847
115SkowheganReport on the Petition of the Selectmen of Skowhegan that they may have leave to apply the Ministerial Fund to the building of a Town House1846
116Societies, Lodges and AssociationsReport on the Petition of the Weld Congregational Society for the purchase of a parsonage with their share of the ministerial fund and the remonstrance of Stephen F. Harvey and others1841
117Societies, Lodges and AssociationsReport on the Petition of John Burnham and others of Orland that the interest arising from the Ministerial Fund may be applied for the support of the gospel according to the number of rateable polls in each society1847
118Societies, Lodges and AssociationsReport on the Order in relation to repealing or amending so much of the 49th Chapter of the Revised Statutes as relates to taxation of ministerial funds held by religious societies1849
119TaxationReport on the Order in relation to repealing or amending so much of the 49th Chapter of the Revised Statutes as relates to taxation of ministerial funds held by religious societies1849
120TempleAn Act to establish the ministerial fund in the Town of1823
121Tompson, Samuel and othersAn Act additional to an Act entitled an Act to establish a ministerial fund in the Congregational Parish in the Town of Sanford, in the County of York, passed February 12, 18241853
122WaterfordAn Act to establish a ministerial fund in the Town of1823
123Weld Congregational SocietyReport on the Petition of the Weld Congregational Society for the purchase of a parsonage with their share of the ministerial fund and the remonstrance of Stephen F. Harvey and others1841
124Windham Ministerial FundReport on the petition of the Trustees to make valid the doings of1825
125Witherle, William and othersReport on the Petition of the Selectmen of Castine for an Act converting the ministerial fund of said Town into a school fund and remonstrance of William Witherle and others1849

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