Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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26Order directing the, to lay before the Senate Board, lists of votes received1838
27Order authorizing the Secretary of the Senate to procure a depository for Blanks used by the Committees and also for the1838
28Order relative to the, of Messenger, Chaplains and Secretary of the Senate1838
29Order directing the Secretary of the Senate to notify, Senator elect of Lincoln District1838
30Order directing the Secretary of the Senate to notify the Secretary and Treasurer of State of their election1838
31Order requesting the Governor to transmit to the Senate the second annual report of the1838
32Senate President's Address1838
33Order directing the Secretary of the Senate to procure the printing of the Resolves respecting1838
34Order directing the Secretary of the Senate to take from the files papers in relation to1838
35Order to inform the, of the organization of the Senate1838
36Order directing the Payroll of Secretary of the Senate, Messenger and Chaplains of the Senate1839
37Resolution of thanks to Senate President1839
38Order directing Secretary of the Senate to notify Joshua Parsons of his election as1839
39Order requesting Secretary of State to send to the Senate a copy of the Report of the Executive Council on the Accounts of the Commissioners on the1839
40Senate Journals, Minutes and Proceedings from January 2, 1839 to March 25, 1839. 19th Legislature
41Order directing Secretary of the Senate to notify, of his election as Senator1839
42Order directing the Secretary of the Senate to procure 50 copies of the, for use of the Senate1839
43Order adopting a Joint Rule where special Committees are appointed by the House and joined by the Senate1839
44Standing Committees of the Senate1839
45Order requesting the Senate to take the Petition of, from the files1839
46Order for the Governor to return to the Senate the Resolve establishing the pay of the, when in actual service1839
47Vote of Thanks to Secretary of Senate March 18, 18401840
48Vote of thanks to Senate President, March 18, 18401840
49Senate Journals, Minutes and Proceedings from January 1, 1840 to March 17, 1840. Special Session September 17, 1840 to October 22, 1840. 2 Volumes
50Report on an Order relative to the pay of Secretary and Messenger of the Senate1840

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