Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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51Resolve on the payroll of the Senate (SS)1842
52Senate Journal, Minutes and Proceedings from January 3, 1855 to March 17, 1855. 34th Legislature. l Volume
53Report of the Committee on election of President of the Senate and other Officers1855
54Academies, Schools and CollegesReport of the Committee on Reform School, Senate Paper 121862
55Academies, Schools and CollegesReport of the Committee on State Reform School, Senate Paper 181862
56Acts and ResolvesOrder to furnish the Senate with 6 copies of the 3rd volume of the State Laws recently published1832
57Acts and ResolvesOrder that the Secretary of State furnish a copy of the Acts and Resolves of 1864 to each member of the Senate1865
58Adams, Samuel and othersReport on the petition of Samuel Adams & others for a Constitutional Amendment regarding the Executive Council, House, Senate, Governor and Selectmen1862
59Adjournment of the SenateOrder for the Senate Adjournment1863
60Amendment to the ConstitutionReport on the petition of Samuel Adams & others for a Constitutional Amendment regarding the Executive Council, House, Senate, Governor and Selectmen1862
61Appleton, JohnSupreme Judicial Court Opinion of the Honorable John Appleton relative to filling vacancies in the Senate1854
62Apportionment, CongressionalReport of the Senate Minority of the Committee on Congressional Apportionment1842
63Apportionment, Judiciary Committee onReport of the Judiciary Committee on the Apportionment of the House and Senate1861
64Apportionment, SenateQuestions and opinions of the Justices on Senatorial Apportionment1841
65Apportionment, SenateResolve to apportion the State for Senators to the Legislature1852
66Apportionment, SenateResolve to apportion the State for Senators to the Legislature1861
67Augusta Union SocietyCommunication from, offering use of Reading Room to Members of the Senate1832
68Ayer, Caleb R.Communications from the Senate President1848
69Ayer, Caleb R.Report of the Committee to receive and count votes for Senate President1848
70Baileyville Petition SignersReport on the petition of Samuel Adams & others for a Constitutional Amendment regarding the Executive Council, House, Senate, Governor and Selectmen1862
71Baker, Henry K.Resolve in favor of the Reporters of the Senate and House of Representatives1852
72Bank ReturnsOrder to Secretary of State to lay returns before the Senate1823
73Bank ReturnsOrder to Secretary of State to lay returns before the Senate1824
74Bank ReturnsOrder for the Secretary of State to lay before the Senate, the1826
75Bank ReturnsOrder directing the Secretary of State to lay before the Senate the1827

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